Fannia anthracinalis Domínguez & Pont, 2014

Fannia anthracinalis Domínguez & Pont, 2014: 24–26
Fannia anthracinalis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Domínguez & Pont
Domínguez & Pont
Fannia anthracinalis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia anthracinalis
The species name alludes to its affinity and resemblance to the Fannia anthracina-species group of southern South America.
Holotype ♂, New Zealand: CH. : “14. ii. 67 / cliffs ; Pt Weeding / Waitangi ; Chatham I. / Exp.Feb 1967 / J. S. Dugdale ; HOLOTYPE ♂ / Fannia / anthracinalis / Domínguez & Pont” (NZAC). Paratypes, 12♂, 23♀: TH. Three Kings Islands, Great Island, Castaway Camp, nest 70/227, 28 Nov 1970, J. C. Watt, 1♀ (NZAC); same locality, Sep 1970, DSIR Expedition, 1♀ (NZAC). CH. Chatham Islands, Chatham Island, 1♀ same data as holotype (NZAC); Chatham Islands, Chatham Island, Owenga, 25 Feb 1967, J. S. Dugdale, Chatham I Exp, 1♀ (NZAC); Chatham Islands, Chatham Island, mouth of Tuku Valley, 21 Feb 1967, J. S. Dugdale, Chatham I Exp, 1♂ 7♀ (1♀ each BMNH & OUMNH, 1♂ 5♀ NZAC); Chatham Islands, Mangere Island, bird guano, 18 Nov 1970, J. I. Townsend), 1♂ (NZAC); Chatham Islands, Pitt Island, Glory Bay, 28 Feb 1967, J. S. Dugdale, Chatham I Exp,, 1♀ (NZAC); Chatham Islands, Pitt Island, Tipuangi Gully, 29 Feb 1967, J. S. Dugdale, Chatham I Exp, 3♀ (NZAC). AU. Auckland Islands, Enderby Island, debris around and below shag colony on cliffs near Sandy Bay,
26 Feb 1973, J. S. Dugdale, 8♂ 8♀ (1♂1♀ IADIZA, 1♂
each BMNH & OUMNH, rest NZAC); Auckland Islands,
Enderby Island, Derry Castle Reef, supra-littoral, 25 Feb
1973, J. S. Dugdale, 1♂ (NZAC).CA. Campbell Islands,
Campbell Island, Mt Yvon Villarceau, 20 m above h.w.m,
3 Dec 1975, puparia under stone in Eudyptes chrysocome
rookery, em. 13 Dec 1975, B. M. May, 1♂ (NZAC)
Taxonomic concepts
Fannia anthracinalis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia anthracinalis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia anthracinalis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
The species name alludes to its affinity and resemblance to the Fannia anthracina-species group of southern South America.
Holotype ♂, New Zealand: CH. : “14. ii. 67 / cliffs ; Pt Weeding / Waitangi ; Chatham I. / Exp.Feb 1967 / J. S. Dugdale ; HOLOTYPE ♂ / Fannia / anthracinalis / Domínguez & Pont” (NZAC). Paratypes, 12♂, 23♀: TH. Three Kings Islands, Great Island, Castaway Camp, nest 70/227, 28 Nov 1970, J. C. Watt, 1♀ (NZAC); same locality, Sep 1970, DSIR Expedition, 1♀ (NZAC). CH. Chatham Islands, Chatham Island, 1♀ same data as holotype (NZAC); Chatham Islands, Chatham Island, Owenga, 25 Feb 1967, J. S. Dugdale, Chatham I Exp, 1♀ (NZAC); Chatham Islands, Chatham Island, mouth of Tuku Valley, 21 Feb 1967, J. S. Dugdale, Chatham I Exp, 1♂ 7♀ (1♀ each BMNH & OUMNH, 1♂ 5♀ NZAC); Chatham Islands, Mangere Island, bird guano, 18 Nov 1970, J. I. Townsend), 1♂ (NZAC); Chatham Islands, Pitt Island, Glory Bay, 28 Feb 1967, J. S. Dugdale, Chatham I Exp,, 1♀ (NZAC); Chatham Islands, Pitt Island, Tipuangi Gully, 29 Feb 1967, J. S. Dugdale, Chatham I Exp, 3♀ (NZAC). AU. Auckland Islands, Enderby Island, debris around and below shag colony on cliffs near Sandy Bay,
26 Feb 1973, J. S. Dugdale, 8♂ 8♀ (1♂1♀ IADIZA, 1♂
each BMNH & OUMNH, rest NZAC); Auckland Islands,
Enderby Island, Derry Castle Reef, supra-littoral, 25 Feb
1973, J. S. Dugdale, 1♂ (NZAC).CA. Campbell Islands,
Campbell Island, Mt Yvon Villarceau, 20 m above h.w.m,
3 Dec 1975, puparia under stone in Eudyptes chrysocome
rookery, em. 13 Dec 1975, B. M. May, 1♂ (NZAC)
scientific name
30 March 2015
1 April 2015