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Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
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Recorded name Association type Associated organism (recorded name) Associated organism (current name) Country Reference
Ornithogalum is host of
Click to expand Ornithogalum potyvirus
Click to expand Ornithogalum potyvirus
Ornithogalum is host of
Click to expand Puccinia liliacearum Duby 1830
Click to expand Puccinia liliacearum Duby 1830
Austria PDD (Records from Austria.)
Click to expand Ornithogalum boucheanum Asch.
is host of
Click to expand Puccinia lojkaiana Thüm. 1876
Click to expand Puccinia lojkaiana Thüm. 1876
Hungary PDD (Records from Hungary.)
Click to expand Ornithogalum kochii Parl.
is host of
Click to expand Puccinia liliacearum Duby 1830
Click to expand Puccinia liliacearum Duby 1830
Austria PDD (Records from Austria.)
Click to expand Ornithogalum orthophyllum subsp. kochii Maire & Weiller
is host of
Click to expand Urocystis ornithogali Körn.
Click to expand Urocystis ornithogali Körn.
Hungary PDD (Records from Hungary.)
Click to expand Ornithogalum thyrsoides
is host of
Click to expand Ornithogalum mosaic virus
Click to expand Ornithogalum mosaic virus
Click to expand Ornithogalum thyrsoides
is host of
Click to expand Ornithogalum stripe mosaic virus
Click to expand Ornithogalum stripe mosaic virus
Click to expand Ornithogalum umbellatum L. 1753
is host of
Click to expand Puccinia liliacearum Duby 1830
Click to expand Puccinia liliacearum Duby 1830
Germany PDD (Records from Germany.)
Click to expand Ornithogalum umbellatum L. 1753
is host of
Click to expand Puccinia liliacearum Duby 1830
Click to expand Puccinia liliacearum Duby 1830
United Kingdom PDD (Records from United Kingdom.)

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scientific name
10 May 2011
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