Lasiosphaeria similisorbina A.N. Mill., T.J. Atk. & Huhndorf 2017

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Lasiosphaeria similisorbina A.N. Mill., T.J. Atk. & Huhndorf in Crous et al., Persoonia 39 311 (2017)
Lasiosphaeria similisorbina A.N. Mill., T.J. Atk. & Huhndorf 2017
A.N. Mill., T.J. Atk. & Huhndorf
A.N. Mill., T.J. Atk. & Huhndorf
Lasiosphaeria similisorbina A.N. Mill., T.J. Atk. & Huhndorf 2017
Lasiosphaeria similisorbina
New Zealand, North Island, Gisborne, Urewera National Park, Lake Waikaremoana, vic. of motor camp, Ngamoko Track, on decorticated wood, 30 May 1983, G.J. Samuels, P.R. Johnston, T. Matsushime & A.Y. Rossman, AR 1884, holotype BPI 910719, isotypet ILLS, culture ex-type AR 1884-1 (isolate died before deposition), isotype PDD 46515, ITS-LSU GenBank sequence MF806376, MycoBank MB822647).
Lasiosphaeria similisorbina A.N. Mill., T.J. Atk. & Huhndorf 2017
Notes — Lasiosphaeria similisorbina possesses the typical characters known for the genus: tomentose ascomata containing yellow centrum pigments (Miller & Huhndorf 2004a, b). This species can be distinguished by its whitish ascomata, lack of a distinct ascal subapical globule, and short cylindrical ascospores that lack appendages. It has ascomata resembling L. ovina, but asci and ascospores similar to L. sorbina. Lasiosphaeria ovina has a distinct ascal subapical globule and ascospores with appendages, whereas L. sorbina has ascomata with greyish, pinkish or orange tomentum. Small (~2 μm diam) subapical globules are occasionally observed in water mounts of fresh material (e.g., TJA786), but these disappear in Shear’s Mounting Media (Atkinson 2006).
Taxonomic concepts
Lasiosphaeria similisorbina A.N. Mill., T.J. Atk. & Huhndorf 2017
Lasiosphaeria similisorbina A.N. Mill., T.J. Atk. & Huhndorf
Global name resources
New Zealand, North Island, Gisborne, Urewera National Park, Lake Waikaremoana, vic. of motor camp, Ngamoko Track, on decorticated wood, 30 May 1983, G.J. Samuels, P.R. Johnston, T. Matsushime & A.Y. Rossman, AR 1884, holotype BPI 910719, isotypet ILLS, culture ex-type AR 1884-1 (isolate died before deposition), isotype PDD 46515, ITS-LSU GenBank sequence MF806376, MycoBank MB822647).
scientific name
7 November 2022
7 November 2022