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Chloris gayana Kunth

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Chloris gayana Kunth (1829)
Chloris gayana Kunth

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New Zealand
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Chloris gayana Kunth
Chloris gayana

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Chloris gayana Kunth

Tufted perennials, brownish green, tough, branched above, to 1 m; stolons strong, wiry. Leaf-sheath keeled, chartaceous, often faintly purplish. Ligule 0.4-0.6-(0.8) mm, minutely ciliate. Collar hairs 3-5 mm. Leaf-blade 10-30 cm × (1.5)-3-6 mm, folded to flat, stiff, narrow linear-lanceolate, strongly keeled, minutely scabrid, adaxially sometimes with a row of long hairs at base; margins thickened, much-narrowed to fine acicular tip. Culm 60-80 cm, ± flattened and geniculate at base, internodes slightly scabrid below inflorescence. Racemes 7-18, spike-like, ± digitate, tawny brown, 4.5-7.5-(10) cm × 3-3.5 mm, erect, bunched together, bearing close-set shortly pedicelled green to golden-brown or brownish spikelets; rachis slender, short-scabrid, pubescent near base. Glumes unequal, membranous, 1-nerved, keel sparsely prickle-toothed; lower 1.2-1.7 mm, narrow-lanceolate, glabrous, acute, upper 2-3 mm, elliptic-lanceolate, sparsely scabrid, ± truncate above, midnerve excurrent forming awn 0.2-0.5 mm. Spikelets 3-flowered. Basal ☿ floret: lemma 2.5-3.5 mm, 3-nerved, lateral nerves and callus sparsely hairy with longer hairs near apex, midnerve scabrid above, awn fine, scabrid, 1.4-3 mm; palea 2.5-3 mm, keels purple, minutely scabrid in upper ½, interkeel ± smooth, minutely scabrid near notched apex; anthers 1.4-1.8 mm; gynoecium with ovary c. 0.4 mm, stigma-styles c. 1.5 mm; caryopsis not seen. Median Ø floret: lemma 2-3 mm, 3-nerved, oblong, scabrid near almost truncate apex, awn 0.4-1.5 mm, scabrid; palea 2-3 mm, similar to palea of basal floret but ± entire; anthers when present, pollen-sterile, 0.7-1.3 mm. Apical Ø floret: lemma empty, 0.3-1.2 mm, inrolled, truncate, minutely scabrid above, sometimes mucronate, borne at tip of glabrous rachilla 1.1-1.5 mm.

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Chloris gayana Kunth
Chloris gayana Kunth

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Chloris gayana Kunth
Chloris gayana Kunth
Cook Islands
Chloris gayana Kunth
Chloris gayana Kunth
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Chloris gayana Kunth
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Chloris gayana Kunth
Chloris gayana Kunth
Norfolk Island
Chloris gayana Kunth

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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