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Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve

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(L.) Á.Löve
Critesion murinum

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Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve

Loosely tufted, light green annuals, 10-70 cm. Leaf-sheath green to light straw-coloured, with hyaline, clasping, glabrous auricles 1.5-3 mm, upper glabrous, uppermost ± inflated. Ligule 0.3-1 mm, rounded, minutely ciliate. Leaf-blade soft, flat, with scattered, long, fine hairs, ribs glabrous or very finely scabrid; margins very finely scabrid, tip acute. Culm 6-50 cm, erect or geniculate; internodes glabrous. Raceme very dense-flowered, oblong, 4-10 × 1-3.5 cm, including the erect or sometimes spreading awns; rachis fragile. Central ☿ spikelet sessile or pedicelled; lateral spikelets ♂ or Ø, pedicels 1-1.5 mm. Lateral spikelets: glumes unequal, ± dissimilar, outer very narrow, scabrid, ± awn-like throughout, inner slightly wider near base awn-like above; lemma adaxially copiously hairy, awned; palea = lemma, keels scabrid near minutely bifid ciliate apex; rachilla prolongation 2.5-3.5 mm; lodicules ciliate. Central spikelet: glumes equal, similar, 15-30 mm, widened near base, margins ciliate, awn-like and scabrid above; lemma 7-14 mm, lanceolate, long awned; palea = lemma, folded, keels scabrid above; rachilla prolongation 4-5 mm; lodicules 1.0-1.8 mm, ciliate. Gynoecium: ovary 0.6-1 mm; stigma-styles 1-2 mm. Caryopsis 5-9.5 × 1.5-2 mm; embryo 1.5 mm. Fig. 14. Plate 3C.

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Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve

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Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve
New Zealand
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Critesion murinum (L.) Á.Löve
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
18 June 2021
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