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Clavaria sp. 4 R.H. Petersen 1988

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R.H. Petersen
R.H. Petersen
invalidly published
Clavaria sp. 4 R.H. Petersen 1988
Clavaria sp. 4

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Clavaria sp. 4 R.H. Petersen 1988

South Island: Otago, Dunedin, near filter station, 30.v.68, coll. EH, no. 68/513 (ZT).
Fruit bodies up to 55 x 3 mm, simple clubs, solitary to gregarious, not cespitose, terete, bright violet-purple all over (apparently near "pomegranite-purple" or "spinel red"). Stipe rounded at base, pale lavender where protected, terete. Club appearing waxy; apex rounded. Taste and odour not recorded.
Tramal hyphae of club 3-15 µm diam., inflated, thin-walled, clampless, parallel. Subhymenium extensive, pseudoparenchymatous. Hymenium thickening; basidia 65-85 x 8-9 µm, clavate, bifurcate; contents opalescent or with minute acicular crystals at maturity; sterigmata 4, slender, up to 6 µm long, curved-ascending.
Spores (Fig. 38) 8.6-10.4x5.8-6.8 µm (E = 1.39-1.53; Em = 1.46; Lm = 9.24 µm), broadly ellipsoid, slightly flattened adaxially, smooth, thin-walled; contents opalescent to uniguttulate when mature; hilar appendix broad, papillate.
The fruit bodies of this taxon are garrishly purple-violet in the photograph supplied with the specimen. Thus, it would appear easy to propose a new species. Moreover, the violaceous taxa (Clavaria subviolacea, C. roseo-violacea) produce different spores. Nonetheless, I cannot tell if the fruit bodies in the sole collection examined are mature or juvenile, or whether the bright colouration is retained or is lost in age.
This description ought to bring attention to the species, and hopefully give the impetus for its formal proposal at a later date.

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Clavaria sp. 4 R.H. Petersen 1988
Clavaria sp. 4 sensu R.H. Petersen (1988)
Clavaria sp. 4 R.H. Petersen 1988
Clavaria sp. 4 sensu R.H. Petersen (1988)
Clavaria sp. 4 R.H. Petersen 1988
Clavaria sp. 4 sensu R.H. Petersen (1988)
Clavaria sp. 4 R.H. Petersen 1988

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Clavaria sp. 4 R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand

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scientific name
23 March 2001
10 October 2019
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