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Gautieriaceae Zeller 1948

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Gautieriaceae Zeller, Mycologia 40 666 (1948)

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Gautieriaceae Zeller 1948

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Gautieriaceae Zeller 1948

Gasterocarp small, rarely more than 2 cm diam., subglobose or irregularly depressed, sessile, basally attached to rhizomorphs. Peridium thin, simple, often evanescent, rarely persistent and often absent at maturity, whitish or dull coloured. Gleba gelatinous-cartilaginous, whitish when young becoming brown, labyrinthoid to loculate, with minute, full or partially filled chambers. Tramal plates gelatinized; clamp-connexions present. Columella present, variable, simple or dendroid, gelatinous to translucent-cartilaginous; minute sterile base occasionally present. Spore deposit fuscous brown, forming a deep layer over the hymenium, Spores statismosporic, symmetric, 12-26 µm long, ovoid to ellipsoid or broadly fused, with a light to dark brown thickened wall bearing an exosporial ornamentation of longitudinal costae, mostly parallel but at times branching; hilar appendix conspicuous, cylindric, with a terminal hilar tear. Basidia cylindrico-clavate, 1-4 spored, bearing short sterigmata. Cystidia present or absent, inconspicuous. Hymenophoral trama subregular, gelatinized. Subhymenial layer poorly developed. Pileipellis a repent epicutis. Development angiocarpic. Hypogeal or subepigeal.
Type species: G. morchellifomis Vittad.

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Gautieriaceae Zeller 1948
Gautieriaceae Zeller (1948)
Gautieriaceae Zeller 1948
Gautieriaceae Zeller (1948)
Gautieriaceae Zeller 1948
Gautieriaceae Zeller (1948)
Gautieriaceae Zeller 1948
Gautieriaceae Zeller (1948)

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