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Helicoon Morgan 1892

Helicoon Morgan, J. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. 15 49 (1892)
Helicoon Morgan 1892
- Helicoon ellipticum
- Helicoon farinosum
- Helicoon fuscosporum
- Helicoon macrosporum
- Helicoon maioricense
- Helicoon pluriseptatum
- Helicoon richonis
- Helicoon sessile
- Helicoon sp.
- Helicoon sp. 'Lake Stream Track (PDD 76601)'
- Helicoon sp. 'Mangamuka (PDD 83779)'
- Helicoon sp. 'Okuru Estuary (PDD 80902)'
- Helicoon sp. 'Travis Wetland (PDD 87028)'
- Helicoon sp. 'Waihi Beach (PDD 80026)'
Helicoon Morgan 1892
Several genera now classified in the Pleurotheciales appear polyphyletic based on molecular phylogenies. Helicoön farinosum, which has hyaline, coiled, septate conidia formed holoblastically on short denticles, is the only representative with helicosporous conidia in the Pleurotheciales and in the whole CPS clade. It was experimentally linked with its sexual state Ascotaiwania hughesii (Fallah et al. 1999) and in our phylogeny it is nested in Clade I as a sister to Brachysporiella setosa. We confirmed the phylogenetic position of H. farinosum (DAOM 241947) with collections, cultures and sequences made in Canada (Réblová et al. 2012). Although the correct species epithet for this holomorphic fungus would be ‘farinosum’, whether the generic assignment should be Helicoön is unclear pending confirmation of the phylogenetic placement and classification of the type species H. sessile. The genus Helicoön sensu Goos et al. (1986) was shown to be polyphyletic with DNA sequences of two nuc rDNA loci by Tsui & Berbee (2006), but H. sessile was not included. The only available ITS rDNA sequence of this species (U72605, Pfister et al. 1997) shows 99 % similarity with the ITS sequence of Sarocladium kiliense of the Hypocreales (KP132606, Irinyi et al. 2015), an unlikely relationship suggestive of a mislabelled or contaminated culture. Other species of Helicoön were placed in the Pleosporales, Tubeufiales and Venturiales of the Dothideomycetes (Tsui & Berbee 2006).
Taxonomic concepts
Helicoon Morgan 1892
Helicoon Morgan
Helicoon Morgan 1892
Helicoon Morgan 1892
Helicoon Morgan (1892)
Helicoon Morgan 1892
Helicoon Morgan (1892)
Helicoon Morgan 1892
Helicoon Morgan
Helicoon Morgan 1892
Helicoon Morgan 1892
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Helicoon species form a polyphyletic assemblage of species from Leotiomycetes, Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes. A specimen identified as the type species in a member of the Orbiolomycetes
scientific name
1 January 2001
4 July 2022