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Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958

Scientific name record
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Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna, J. Gen. Microbiol. 19 581 (1958)

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di Menna
di Menna
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
NZ holotype
Torulopsis ingeniosa
The type culture of Torulopsis ingeniosa, TG27, isolated in July 1957 from Torulopsis ingeniosa nor) .spec. 583 grass leaves near Hamilton, New Zealand, has been deposited CBS 4240, and at the Brewing Industry Research Foundation, Nutfield, Surrey, England

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Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna (1958)
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna (1958)
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna (1958)
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna (1958)
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna (1958)
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna (1958)
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna (1958)
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna (1958)
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna (1958)
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna 1958
Torulopsis ingeniosa di Menna (1958)

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The type culture of Torulopsis ingeniosa, TG27, isolated in July 1957 from Torulopsis ingeniosa nor) .spec. 583 grass leaves near Hamilton, New Zealand, has been deposited CBS 4240, and at the Brewing Industry Research Foundation, Nutfield, Surrey, England

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scientific name
18 January 2000
29 June 2021
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