Stigmatomyces spiralis Thaxt. 1901

Stigmatomyces spiralis Thaxt., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 36 405 (1901)
Stigmatomyces spiralis Thaxt. 1901
Stigmatomyces spiralis Thaxt. 1901
Stigmatomyces spiralis
Stigmatomyces spiralis Thaxt. 1901
SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NEW ZEALAND, South Island, Otago, Rock, and Pillar Ranges, Rocklands, on the legs of a single specimen of Parahyadina sp. (Diptera: Ephydridae) in pitfall trap in tussock, 13-28 February 1979, leg. B.I.P. Barratt (PDD 64948; AW-687).
Thallus hyaline erect. Receptacle slender, the suprabasal cell (II) twice as long as the basal (I). Primary appendage relatively short, the basal cell sterile, superposed by six or seven additional cells each of which give way to a single antheridium, except for the, uppermost cell, which additionally produces a terminal, spiniferous antheridium. Perithecium long and slender, ridged. Perithecial tip with four papillae arranged around a somewhat more prominent apical projection. Total length of thallus from foot to tip of perithecium: 360 µm; length of free appendage: 85 µm; venter of perithecium: 100 x 55 µm; ascospores not observed.
KNOWN DISTRIBUTION AND HOSTS: Stigmatomyces spiralis has been reported from the United States on Philygria (= Hyadina) sp. (type) and on P. debilis Loew, from France on Hyadina pollinosa Oldenberg, H. humeralis Becker and H. guttata (Fallen), from Italy on H. guttata and from Spain on Philygria obotecta Becker (Santamaria and Rossi 1993). The occurrence on Parahyadina in New Zealand therefore represents a significant extension to the known distribution and a new host-parasite association.
The material from New Zealand, although rather scanty and in poor condition, agrees closely with the original description and illustration (Thaxter 1901, 1908), the only appreciable difference being that of size. The New Zealand material is shorter (maximum length of thallus 360 µm) than the figures quoted in the original description (350-600 µm, average 500-550 µm).
Taxonomic concepts
Stigmatomyces spiralis Thaxt. 1901
Stigmatomyces spiralis Thaxt. (1901)
Stigmatomyces spiralis Thaxt. 1901
Stigmatomyces spiralis Thaxt. (1901)
Global name resources
Type USA
scientific name
24 August 2000
24 August 2000