Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi 1997

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Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi, Canad. J. Bot. 75 797 (1997)
Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi 1997
A. Weir & W. Rossi
A. Weir & W. Rossi
Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi 1997
NZ holotype
Stigmatomyces novozelandicus
Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi 1997
Habit very long and slender, usually almost straight. Basal cell almost hyaline, elongated, subfusiform, sometimes curved near the base, its contents variably contracted in the upper portion. Suprabasal cell hyaline, very long, representing more than half the length of the whole fungus. Stalk cell of the appendage tinged with brownish-yellow, quite narrow, almost three times as long as broad. Axis of the appendage composed of four successively smaller cells, the basal of which is darker, each bearing two antheridia except for the uppermost, which bears one antheridium surmounted by two, superposed. Stalk cell of the perithecium rather small, almost hyaline, subtriangular, the cells above being about as large and tinged with brownish-yellow. Venter of perithecium uniformly brownish-yellow, broadened distally, its margins slightly convex. Neck of the perithecium about twice as long as the venter, rather slender, its margins almost straight, spreading and moderately distinguished at the base, distally enlarged below the abruptly distinguished, tapering tip, ending in four small lips, three of which are truncate, the fourth obtuse and slightly longer. Total length of thallus from foot to tip of perithecium: 1025-1390 µm; length of receptacle: 620-1010 µm; length of free appendage: 80-85 µm; venter of perithecium: 105-125 x 70-85 µm; ascospores: 35-45 x 5 µm.
Fungus tenuis ac valde elongatus, fere directus. Basalis cellula quasi hyalina, elongata, subfusiformis, interdum prope pedem curvata. Suprabasalis cellula hyalina, valde elongata, medium fungum superans. Cellula appendicem sufferens testaceo colore, quasi ter tanto longior quam latior. Appendices axis e quatuor cellulis ab imo ad summum minoribus constat, quae bina antheridia ferunt, praeter ultimµm, tria superposita antheridia ferentem. Cellula stirpis perithecii parva, quasi hyalina, fere triangula; perithecii basales cellulae similes et paulo fusciores. Perithecii venter testaceo colore, parum inflatus, ad summum latior. Perithecii collum duplo longius quam venter et ab eo paulo distinctum, tenue, directis marginibus, prae angustato apice inflaum. Ostii labia parva, quarum tria truncata, quarum veto obtusum ac longius. Longitudo a pede usque ad apicem perithecii: 1025 -1390 µm; longitudo receptaculi: 620-1010 µm; longitudo appendicis: 80-85 µm; perithecii venter: 105-125 x 70-85 µm; ascosporae: 35-45 x 5 µm.
Parasitus Sapromyzae neozealandicae in Nova Zelandia. HOLOTYPUS: PDD 64949
Parasitus Sapromyzae neozealandicae in Nova Zelandia. HOLOTYPUS: PDD 64949
ETYMOLOGY: referring to the collection locality.
NOTES: Stigmatomyces novozelandicus is by far the tallest species in the genus. Its length is due to the extraordinary elongation of the suprabasal cell, which represents up to 60% of the length of the whole fungus. Until now only two species of Stigmatomyces have been reported on members of the Sapromyzidae: Stigmatomyces inflatus Thaxt. on Sapromyza sp. from Mexico and Stigmatomyces rubripes Thaxt. on an unidentified dipteron belonging to the Sapromyzidae from Sumatra (Thaxter 1931). The new species is very different from the former. It displays some resemblance to the latter, from which it is readily distinguished, however, by the different shape and colour of the perithecium, the fertile basal cell of the appendage and obviously by the much more elongated habit.
NOTES: Stigmatomyces novozelandicus is by far the tallest species in the genus. Its length is due to the extraordinary elongation of the suprabasal cell, which represents up to 60% of the length of the whole fungus. Until now only two species of Stigmatomyces have been reported on members of the Sapromyzidae: Stigmatomyces inflatus Thaxt. on Sapromyza sp. from Mexico and Stigmatomyces rubripes Thaxt. on an unidentified dipteron belonging to the Sapromyzidae from Sumatra (Thaxter 1931). The new species is very different from the former. It displays some resemblance to the latter, from which it is readily distinguished, however, by the different shape and colour of the perithecium, the fertile basal cell of the appendage and obviously by the much more elongated habit.
HOLOTYPE: NEW ZEALAND, South Island, Cook Strait, Marlborough Sounds, Maud Island, Old Homestead, on the scutellum of Sapromyza neozealandica Tonnoir & Malloch (Diptera: Lauxanidae), 4 January 1961, leg. Notman (PDD 64949).
ISOTYPES: Same data, in PDD; AW-688; AW-688b in coll. W.R.
ISOTYPES: Same data, in PDD; AW-688; AW-688b in coll. W.R.
Taxonomic concepts
Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi 1997
Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi (1997)
Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi 1997
Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi (1997)
Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi 1997
Stigmatomyces novozelandicus A. Weir & W. Rossi (1997)
Global name resources
NEW ZEALAND, South Island, Cook Strait, Marlborough Sounds, Maud Island, Old Homestead, on the scutellum of Sapromyza neozealandica Tonnoir & Malloch (Diptera: Lauxanidae), 4 January 1961, leg. Notman, holotype PDD 64949
scientific name
24 August 2000
15 December 2003