Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. 1985

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Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. 1985
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. 1985
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. 1985
NZ holotype
Stenella novae-zelandiae
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. 1985
This species has nothing to do with Stenella as well as Zasmidium and is not cercosporoid at all. The superficial mycelium is smooth, conidiogenous cells have a geniculate, characteristic zig-zag structure with numerous truncate, unthickened conidiogenous loci and catenate conidia with truncate base and unthickened hila. The generic affinity of this species is quite unclear, but this fungus reminds one of asexual morphs of the Venturiaceae, above all Pseudocladosporium.
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. 1985
DIAG in CMA. Coloniae modice crescentes, brunneo-griseae, margine diffuso. Mycelium ex hyphis ramosis, septatis,1.5-4.5 µ crassis, subhyalinis vel pallide brunneis compositum. Conidiophora inconsipcua, solitaria, erecta, simplicia vel parce ramosa, septata, usque ad 60 µ alta, 2-4 µ crassa, apice sympodialiter prolifera, cicatricibus latis planis ferentia, laevia, pallide vel modice fusca conidia catenis simplicibus vel ramosis acropetalis fragilibus disposita, forma et magnitudine maxime variabilia, cylindrical 12-septata, 8-55 µ longa, 3-5 µ crassa, laevia, pallide brunnea vel brunnea, pallidissime brunnea in conidiis apilalibus.
MEM The present species is close to Stenella triseptata Matsushima, in Mats. Myc.Mem. 3, No.375. In the latter species the terminal conidia of the chains are more or less uniform in shape and typically 3-septate. * Deighton, F.C. 1979. Mycol.Pap.144. ( Stenella spp.] * Yen, Jo-Min et a1.1982. Mycotaxon 16:35-98.f Stenella spp.] * McGinnis, M.R. & Padhye, A.A. 1978. Mycotaxon 7:415-418. [ A microphotograph from the type material of Stenella araguata Sydow, the type species.]
HAB In ligno putrido, near Hari hari, New Zealand; May 21,1983 (MFC-12458). TYP cultura desiccata (CMA).
Taxonomic concepts
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. 1985
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush.
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. 1985
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. (1985)
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. 1985
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. (1985)
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. 1985
Stenella novae-zelandiae Matsush. (1985)
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Not a Stenella, see Braun et al. 2014
Hab In ligno putrido ; prope Hari hari, New Zealand ; 21. v. 1983, CMA cultura exsiccata, holotype Matsushima 12458
scientific name
24 May 1993
29 November 2006