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Smittium bullatum Lichtw. & M.C. Williams 1992

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Smittium bullatum Lichtw. & M.C. Williams, Canad. J. Bot. 70 1193 (1992)
Smittium bullatum Lichtw. & M.C. Williams 1992

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New Zealand
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Lichtw. & M.C. Williams
Lichtw. & M.C. Williams
Smittium bullatum Lichtw. & M.C. Williams 1992
NZ holotype
Smittium bullatum
New Zealand. HOLOTYPE: Slide ZEA-94-1 (FH 81215) prepared from the hindgut of a NAOCLADIUS FORSYTHI Boothroyd larva (Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) collected 22.11.91 from Wharf Creek at Hwy. 6 south of Haast Pass, South Island

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Smittium bullatum Lichtw. & M.C. Williams 1992

COLLECTIONS: In addition to the type locality (site ZEA-94), we also found S. bullatum in unidentified Orthocladiinae larvae collected 15.11.91 from ledges at the base of Waipori Falls (site ZEA-85) located about 40 km SW of Dunedin.
Trichospores biconical, 20-24 x (5.5-) 6 (-7.2) µm, with a collar about 4 µm long. Young thalli consisting of an axis of wider cells from which narrower branches arise. Basal cell swollen, holdfast a small knoblike projection. Zygospores unknown. In hindgut of larval Orthocladiinae.
Trichosporae biconicae, 20-24 x (5.5-) 6 (-7.2) µm, collari circa 4 µm longo ornatae. Thalli juveniles ex axe e cellulis µmplioribus consistentes e quo rami angustiores producti. Cellula basalis inflata, tenaculum instar bullae parvae. Zygosporae ignotae.
ETYMOLOGY: Latin bullatum meaning with a knob. This new species differs from other described Smittium spp. in its thallus morphology, holdfast structure, and the shape and dimensions of its trichospores.
HOLOTYPE: Slide ZEA-94-1 prepared from the hindgut of a Naocladius forsythi Boothroyd larva (Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) collected 22.11.91 from Wharf Creek at Hwy. 6 south of Haast Pass, South Island. Deposited with R. W. Lichtwardt, University of Kansas.

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Smittium bullatum Lichtw. & M.C. Williams 1992
Smittium bullatum Lichtw. & M.C. Williams (1992)
Smittium bullatum Lichtw. & M.C. Williams 1992
Smittium bullatum Lichtw. & M.C. Williams (1992)

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New Zealand. HOLOTYPE: Slide ZEA-94-1 (FH 81215) prepared from the hindgut of a NAOCLADIUS FORSYTHI Boothroyd larva (Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) collected 22.11.91 from Wharf Creek at Hwy. 6 south of Haast Pass, South Island

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scientific name
9 November 1994
26 September 2003
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