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Puccinia hoheriae Wakef. 1917

Scientific name record
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Puccinia hoheriae Wakef. 1917
NZ holotype
Puccinia hoheriae
New Zealand. On leaves and stems of Hoheria populnea, Karori, A.H. Cockayne, 1917, holotype K(M), isotype BPI 076839

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Puccinia hoheriae Wakef. 1917

Sori teleutosporiferi hypophylli vel caulicoli, sparsi, rotundati vel oblongi, saepe confluentes, epidermide lacerato cineti, castanei, 0.5-1 mm. diametro, maculis parvis atro-purpureis insidentes. Teleutosporae ellipticae vel oblongae, medio vix constrictae, apice rotundatae non incrassatae, brunneae, episporio minute punctato-granuloso, 35-40 x 15-17 µ; pedicelli hyalini, decid i [sic], 30-80 µ longi.
Near to P. Plagianthi McAlp., but distinguished by the smaller spores, with granular (not reticulate) epispore. From P. Abutili it differs in the narrower spores with more finely granular epispore.
NEW ZEALAND. On leaves and stems of Hoheria populnea ("Lacebark"), A.H. Cockayne (1917).

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Puccinia hoheriae Wakef. 1917
Puccinia hoheriae Wakef. (1917)
Puccinia hoheriae Wakef. 1917
Puccinia hoheriae Wakef. (1917)

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New Zealand. On leaves and stems of Hoheria populnea, Karori, A.H. Cockayne, 1917, holotype K(M), isotype BPI 076839

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scientific name
1 January 2001
26 September 2003
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