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Velutaria nephrodigena (W. Phillips) Sacc. 1889

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Velutaria nephrodigena (W. Phillips) Sacc. 1889

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W. Phillips
(W. Phillips) Sacc.
NZ holotype
Velutaria nephrodigena

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Velutaria nephrodigena (W. Phillips) Sacc. 1889

On fading fronds of Rumohra hispida (Sw.) Copel.
This is an epiphyllous lichen which has been kindly determined for me by Dr. R. Santesson as Bacidia subundulata (Stirt.) R. Sant. The species is peculiar in developing its apothecia on the opposite side of the leaf from its vegetative thallus so it is not surprising Phillips took it for a nonlichenised fungus. The pruinose character of the excipulum presumably led to the transfer to Velutaria.

Velutaria nephrodigena (W. Phillips) Sacc. 1889

in frondibus subemortuis Nephrodii hispidi, New Zealand (KIRK).
Gregaria v. sparsa, sessilis, globosa, dein hemisphaerica, primo tenuiter pubescens, dein glabra, alba, ceracea, firma, 200-400 µ. diam.; disco concavo, castaneo-brunneo, margine inflexo ; ascis clavatis ; sporidiis oblongo-fusiformibus, utrinque rotundatis triseptatis ad septa constrictis, 12-15 x 4-5; paraphysibus non visis.

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Velutaria nephrodigena (W. Phillips) Sacc. 1889
Velutaria nephrodigena (W. Phillips) Sacc. (1889)
Velutaria nephrodigena (W. Phillips) Sacc. 1889
Velutaria nephrodigena (W. Phillips) Sacc. (1889)

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scientific name
15 November 2013
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