Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]

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Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor, New Zealand J. Bot. 19 357 (1982 [1981])
E. Horak & G.M. Taylor
E. Horak & G.M. Taylor
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]
NZ holotype
Rozites rugosiceps
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]
New Zealand: South Island: Otago: Makarora, Pipsen's Creek, 16.1V. 1965, leg. Taylor. 240 (holotype). -Canterbury: Lake Ohau, 9.V.1971, leg. Taylor. 676.
Pileus - 90 mm, hemispheric when young becoming convex finally umbonate-expanded; dull yellow-brown or red-brown, darker in centre, paler towards, slightly striate margin; glutinous, radially wrinkled in dry condition, remnants of universal veil inconspicuous. Lamellae adnexed to emarginate, crowded; orange-brown turning rust-brown, edge white, serrate. Stipe -80 x -16 mm, cylindric, equal; whitish turning pale brown; fibrillose at apex; annulus striate, membranous, persistent; with concolorous to reddish brown fibrils and recurved scales towards base; dry, solid, single, in groups. Context white. Odour and taste not distinctive. Chemical reactions: not known. Spore print rust-brown. Spores 11-15 x 7-8 µm, amygdaliform, mucro distinct, covered with rather coarse warts, brown. Basidia 35-45 x 8-10 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 30-70 x 12-22 µm, clavate to vesiculose, membrane thin-walled, often encrusted with yellow-brown pigment. Cuticle a cutis of cylindric, gelatinised hyphae (2-5 µm diam.), cells of subcutis cylindric, encrusted with yellow-brown (KOH) pigment. Clamp connections numerous.
o n soil among litter under Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst. and N. solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole, New Zealand.
Pileus -90 mm, hemisphaericus, convexus dein subumbonatus, umbrinus vel castaneus, viscidus, venosus. Lamellae aurantioferrugineae. Stipes -80 x 16 mm, cylindricus, flavobrunneus, annulo striato membranaceo et squamis recurvatis basim versus instructus. Sporae 11-15 x 7-8 µm, amygdaliformes, grosse verrucosae. Ad terram in silvis nothofagineis. Novazelandia.
As far as is known. Rozites rugosiceps is found only in the South Island of New Zealand. As indicated in the key, this agaric is readily recognised by the rugose to strongly wrinkled surface of the pileus. The coarsely waited, amygdaliform spores and the conspicuous cheilocystidia are further distinctive features of this species.
Typus Herb. Taylor, 240.
Taxonomic concepts
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor 1982 [1981]
Rozites rugosiceps E. Horak & G.M. Taylor (1982) [1981]
Global name resources
Identification keys
New Zealand: South Island: Otago: Makarora, Pipsen's Creek, 16.IV. 1965, leg. Taylor, 240, holotype K(M) ? [missing]
scientific name
1 January 2000
3 December 2002