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Ophionectria lloydii Mains 1958 [1957]

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Ophionectria lloydii Mains 1958 [1957]
NZ holotype
Ophionectria lloydii
On stromata of Cordyceps roberisii, Napier, New Zealand, H. Hill, LH 42580 (also Cordyceps roberisii LH37145); holotype BPI 718001, isotype GZU 306031

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Ophionectria lloydii Mains 1958 [1957]

OPHIONECTRIA “CORDYCEPS” Lloyd, Myc. Writ 5:692, fig. 1035. 1917.

Lloyd reported a parasite on the stromata of a collection of Cordyceps robertsii from Napier, New Zealand from H. Hill (LH37145) and stated that “For convenience in our Museum we have labeled it Ophionectria Cordyceps”. He gave a photograph of a portion of a parasitized stroma but no description. In studying other collections of C. robertsii in the National Fungus Collections at Washington, another specimen from Te Awamuta, New Zealand, collected by G. L. Miller (ex. Mo. Bot. Gard. Herb.) was found to be parasitized by the same fungus. Since it was not validly published by Lloyd, it is described here as a new species.

Ophionectria lloydii sp. nov. (Fig. 5)

Stromatibus planis, tenuibus, minutis coalescentibus, albis vel flavidis; peritheciis ovoideis, 550—950 x300—450 µ superficialibus, cespitosis, pallide flavo-brubbeis; ascis cylindriceis, 350-450 x 6-10 µ; ascosporis filiformibus, 300 x 3 µ, multiseptatis, hyalinis, cellis 8-16 µ longis.

Stromata flat, thin, small, coalescing to form irregular plates, often obscured by the perithecia, white or yellowish; perithecia ovoid, 550—950 x 300-450 µ superficial, cespitose, pale yellowish brown, the wall up to 90 µ thick, pseudoparenchymatous; asci cylindric, 350—450 x 6—10 µ, with a 4 µ thick cap; ascospores filiform, up to 300 µ long, 3 µ thick, multiseptate, with the cells 8—16 µ long, hyaline.

On stromata of Cordyceps robertsii, Napier, New Zealand, H. Hill, LH42580, type (also Cordyceps robertsii LH37145); Te Awamuta, New Zealand, G.L.Miller, (BPI).

The stromata of the Ophionectria. are formed on the stipes and over the perithecia. of the Cordyceps The mycelia often fill the perithecia of the Cordyceps and emerge through the ostioles. The small thin stromata of the Ophionectria frequently coalesce to form irregular plates, fig. 5, but soon are obscured by the development of clusters of large perithecia.

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Ophionectria lloydii Mains 1958 [1957]
Ophionectria lloydii Mains 1958 [1957]
Ophionectria lloydii Mains 1958 [1957]
Ophionectria lloydii Mains (1958) [1957]

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On stromata of Cordyceps roberisii, Napier, New Zealand, H. Hill, LH 42580 (also Cordyceps roberisii LH37145); holotype BPI 718001, isotype GZU 306031

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12 July 1998
19 December 2023
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