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Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
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G. Stev.
G. Stev.
non. M. miniata Petch 1917
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
NZ holotype
Mycena miniata
HABITAT: attached to Nothofagus litter, [New Zealand] Maitai Valley, Nelson, 29.4.1956 Stevenson 1056 Holotype K(M) 193558

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Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964

material not examined - too fragmentary and clearly is the same collected under the nom. nov. M. ura. It does have red strigose hairs at base.

Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964

Pileus 3-7 mm diam., crimson, striate at edge, darker at centre, campanulate, moist, drying paler; flesh thin, crimson. Gills adnate, pink with crimson margins, moderately distant, long and short intercalated. Stipe 2-4 cm x 0.5-1 mm, crimson, translucent, solid, smooth with fibrils at base, producing sparse red latex on breaking. Spores 8 x 6 µm, amyloid, thin-walled. Hymenophoral trama and tissues of Pileus strongly pseudo-amyloid with many hyphae and cells over 10 µm diam. Cheilocystidia 40-60 x 5-15 µm more or less awl-shaped (Fig. 53).
Attached to Nothofagus litter, Maitai Valley, Nelson, 29.4.1956, Stevenson (type); Catchpole, Wellington, 3.5.1958, Morva Sutch.
Pileus 3-7 mm diam., kermesinus, margine striatus, medio fusciore campanulatus, humidus, siccitate pallidior; caro tenuis, kermesina. Lamellae adnatae, puniceae, marginibus kermesinis, modice distantes, longiores cum brevioribus intercalatae. Stipes 2-4 cm x 0.5-1 mm, kermesinus, translucens, solidus, laevis, basi fibrillis albis instructis, fractus laticem sparsum rubrum scatens. Sporae 8 x 6 µm, amyloideae, parietibus tenuibus. Trama hymenophoralis et pilei textura valde pseudo-amyloidea, hyphis et cellulis multis ultra 10 µm diam. Cheilocystidia 40-60 x 5-15 µm, plus minus subuliformia.
Like many small Mycena spp. this fungus is strongly geotropic. Specimens placed in a petri dish turn vertically in a few hours.
Typus: Stevenson 1056.

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Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
Mycena miniata G. Stev.
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
Mycena miniata G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
Mycena miniata G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
Mycena miniata G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
Mycena miniata G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
Mycena miniata G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
Mycena miniata G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
Mycena miniata G. Stev. (1964)

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Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena miniata G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand

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HABITAT: attached to Nothofagus litter, [New Zealand] Maitai Valley, Nelson, 29.4.1956 Stevenson 1056 Holotype K(M) 193558

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scientific name
1 January 2000
27 August 2002
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