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Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981

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Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981
NZ holotype
Infundibura adhaerens
Holotype PDD 33689, on decomposing leaves in stream, S of Te Wairere, Little Barrier Island, New Zealand, 9.III. 1974, B . Kendrick (KNZ 446).

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Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: (1) PDD 33689 (Holotype), on decomposing leaves in stream, S of Te Wairere, Little Barrier Island, New Zealand, 9.111.1974, B. Kendrick (KNZ 446). (2) PDD 33688, on leaves of Agathis australis, Atkinson's Pk., Titirangi, Auckland, New Zealand, 15.V.1974, B. Kendrick (KNZ 625). (3) On cone-scales of Pinus sp., Wienerberg, Wienerwald, Austria, 8. VIII.1916, Hohnel, in FH (in association with Discosia strobilina). (4) On cones of Picea sitchensis, Long Beach, Vancouver Island, B.C., II. 1980, A. MacKinnon.
KNOWN DISTRIBUTION: Austria, Canada, and New Zealand.
HABITAT: On decomposing leaves in stream, on Agathis australis leaves, and on inner surface of cone scales of Picea sitchensis and of Pinus sp.
Colonia dissita vel gregaria et confluentia, ambitu irregulari et crassitudine variabili, velut pallidas vel luteolas, lucentes, gelatinosas crustas perceptibiles. Mycelium immersum et superficiale ex hyphis irregulatim ramosis, remote septatis, parietibus incrassatis, hyalinis, 1.5-2.5 µm lat., compositum. Conidiomata sporodochioidea, stromate basali tenui, constato e cellulis isodiametris ad angularibus, hyalinis. Conidiophora e cellulis summo strato stromatis basalis enascentia, simplicia vel irregulatim ramosa, septata, hyalina, laevia. Cellulae conidiogenae discretae, clavatae ad subcylindraceae, rectae vel leniter curvae, hyalinae, laeviae, 5-12(-15) (mean = 8.8) x 1.5-3 (mean = 2.2) µm. Hyphae steriles ramuli conidiophorarum exorientes, filamentosae, aseptatae vel aliquando parce septatae, hyalinae, laeviae, usque ad 150 µm long et 1.5-2.5 µm lat., pro parte majore in mucum manifeste ad extremum distale vestitae. Conidia holoblastico-singula, ad apicem cellulae conidiogenae exorientes, naviculata, cum apice lato et obtuso, et base uno podetio decrescenti praedita, unicellularia, hyalina, laevia, 17-35 (mean = 26) x 3-3.5(-4) (mean = 3.3) µm, apicaes et persaepe basales appendices ferentia. Appendix apicalis infundibuliformis, mucosis, caule tereti (2-3 x 1-1.5 µm), cono 3-5.5 x 4-6 µm; appendix basalis, ubi adest, teres, mucosis, 1-5 x 1-1.5 µm. HOLOTYPUS: PDD 33689.
A viable culture of the fungus obtained from P. sitchensis is available in the Mycological Herbarium of the University of British Columbia as isolate No. 6597 and has also been deposited in the National Culture Collection, Ottawa (DAOM).

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Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981
Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1981)
Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981
Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1981)
Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981
Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1981)
Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981
Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981

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Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981
New Zealand
Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981
New Zealand

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Holotype PDD 33689, on decomposing leaves in stream, S of Te Wairere, Little Barrier Island, New Zealand, 9.III. 1974, B . Kendrick (KNZ 446).

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1 January 2001
31 October 2018
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