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Hysterium breve Berk. 1845

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Hysterium breve Berk. 1845

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Hysterium breve Berk. 1845
NZ holotype
Hysterium breve
New Zealand, Antipodean Is. Typified by Tab. LXVIII, fig. VIII

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Hysterium breve Berk. 1845

Campbell's Island
on the dead leaves of Uncinia Hookeri, Boott.

Peritheciis brevibus ellipticis nigris prominulis, rima angustissima, ascis linearibus elongatis.

Perithecia minuta, nigra, nitida, prominula, breviter elliptica, raro utrinque apiculata, rima angustissima. Asci elongati, lineares, paraphysibus filiformibus rectiusculis immixti, sporidiis filiformibus.

This species is manifestly different from the small form of H. culmigenum, and the nature of the asci and paraphyses are further distinct, being in the latter plant shorter and of a different form, with the apices of the paraphyses curved or curled. The apiculate extremities may not prove to be a constant character, though the probability is that it will, at least in full grown specimens.

Hysterium breve Berk. 1845

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] No obvious Lophodermium ascomata left

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Hysterium breve Berk. 1845
Hysterium breve Berk. (1845)
Hysterium breve Berk. 1845
Hysterium breve Berk. 1845

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New Zealand, Antipodean Is. Typified by Tab. LXVIII, fig. VIII

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scientific name
16 September 1993
22 October 2004
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