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Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980

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Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling in Watling, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 38 336 (1980)
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980

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New Zealand
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Kühner & Watling
Kühner ex Kühner & Watling
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980
Conocybe mesospora

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Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980

Amongst debris, on rotten wood of Podocarpus dacrydioides A. Rich., S of Ahaura, Westland, 14 iii 1968, Horak ZT 68/154; on rotting leaves, under broadleaved trees, Harihari, Westland, 13 ii 1969, Horak ZT 69/67.
Description of New Zealand material:

Pileus 6-20 mm, convex to campanuiate becoming expanded, argillaceous when wet, to paler honey-brown on drying, hygrophanous, dry, pruinose under hand-lens; margin conspicuously striate when young. Stipe 22.5-42 x 1-1.5 mm, base 2.5-3 mm, cylindric with subbulbous base, pale honey-brown, hollow, ± smooth but pruinose above and appressed fibrillose towards base. Gills adnexed, ventricose, whitish or pale becoming ochraceous rust-colour, with whitish, fimbriate edge. Flesh concolorous. Taste and smell not distinctive.

Basidiospores (7.5-) 8.5-9(-9.5) x 4-5 µm, elliptic in face-view, slightly flattened in side-view, relatively thick-walled, ochraceous brown in both water and aqueous alkali solutions, darker in the latter, non-amyloid, smooth; germ-pore prominent and broad. Basidia 4-spored, hyaline, clavate with very short pedicel, 18-22.5 x 7-9 µm. Cheilocystidia lecythiform, 15-21.5 x 7.5-12.5 (-15) µm, capitulum 3-4.5 µm diameter, hyaline; pleurocystidia absent. Pileipellis a palisadoderm of spheropedunculate to ellipsoid cells, 18-40 x 7.5-12 µm with slightly darkened pedicels and tibiiform dermatocystidia; pilocystidia 25-40 x 4.5-10 µm, capitulum 3-4 µm. Stipitipellis of filamentous, parallel hyphae covered in lecythiform caulocystidia, 20-25 x 10-12.5 µm, capitulum 3-4 µm. Clamp-connections present.

These collections agree microscopically in all ways with European material.

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Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling (1980)
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling (1980)
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling (1980)
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling (1980)
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980
Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling (1980)

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Conocybe mesospora Kühner ex Kühner & Watling 1980
[Not available]

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10 July 2002
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