Conocybe huijsmanii Watling 1983

Conocybe huijsmanii Watling 1983
Pileus ≤20 mm (-25 mm when expanded) conical, collapsing on expansion, white with faint central ochre flush in age, striate-grooved in outer half. Stipe 60-70 x 1-2 mm, tapered upwards, abruptly bulbous at the base, white satiny with traces of mealy granules, twisted, hollow, very fragile. Gills subfree, crowded, very thin in substance, sienna. Flesh thin and translucent in pileus and stipe. Spore-print sienna.
Basidiospores (12-) 12.5-14 x (7-) 8.5-9.5 µm, broadly ellipsoid to almost ovoid, thick-walled, strongly pigmented in water and aqueous alkali solutions; germ-pore prominent, large. Basidia 4-spored, hyaline, clavate with distinct pedicel, separated by distinct brachycystidia. Cheilocystidia lecythiform, 21-27 x (7-) 9-11 µm, capitulum 3.5-4.5 µm diam.; pleurocystidia absent. Pileipellis a palisadoderm of spheropedunculate cells 16-19 µm broad x <38 µm long