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Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
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Threat status: Data deficient

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Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987

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Watling & G.M. Taylor
Watling & G.M. Taylor
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe gracilenta
on soil under Podocarpus, Fuchsia etc., Kaituna Valley, Banks Peninsula,[New Zealand] 24 iv 1968, holotype Horak ZT 68/303.

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Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987

On soil under Podocarpus, Fuchsia etc., Kaituna Valley, Banks Peninsula, 24 iv 1968, Horak ZT 68/303.
Pileus 10.5-11 mm, hemispheric to convex, ochre brown, paler with age or when dry, strongly hygrophanous, submicaceous shiny, disc somewhat venose, dry; margin indistinctly striate. Stipe 33 x 1-1.5) mm, cylindric, sometimes with subbulbous base, annulate, concolorous with pileus, apex minutely pruinose, towards base fibrillose, dry, fragile; ring striate, subpersistent. Gills adnexed to adnate, ventricose, pale ochre brown, with concolorous or whitish, even edge. Taste and smell none. Basidiospores 8.5-10 x 5-6 µm, elliptic in face-view, slightly flattened in side-view, thick-walled, non-amyloid, ochraceous brown in water and aqueous alkali solutions; germ-pore prominent and broad. Basidia 4-spored, clavate with short pedicel, hyaline in water and alkali solutions, 22-25 x 8-10 µm. Cheilocystidia lageniform with narrow venter 30-40 x 8-12 µm, neck 10-15 µm long, not distinct, tapered to apex 2.5-3 µm, some cells almost pointed; pleurocystidia absent. Pileipellis a strict palisadoderm of spheropedunculate cells with smooth or slightly encrusted pedicels, 18-24 µm broad. Stipitipellis of parallel, brown-walled hyphae, covered at apex with ventricose-rostrate caulocystidia, 20-35 x 4-7.5 µm. Clamp-connections present.

Pileus 10.5-11 mm, hemisphericus deinde convexus, ochraceo-brunneus, submicaceus, hygrophanus, in siccitate vel aetate pallescens, ad discam subrugosus, ad marginem substriatus. Stipes 33 x 1 (-1.5) mm, cylindricus, ad basem subbulbosus, pileo concolore, apice minute pruinoso, deorsum fibrillosus, siccus, fragilis; annulo striato subpersistente. Lamellae adnexo-adnatae, ventricosae, ochraceo-brunneae, marginibus concoloribus vel albidis. Caro inodora et insipide.

Basidiosporae 8.5-10 x 5-6 µm, ellipsoideae. Basidia 4-sporigera. Cystidia aciei lamellarum lageniformia, 30-40 x 8-12 µm ad apicem 2.5-3 µm. Cellulae cuticulae pilei pyriformes vel spheropedunculatae 18-24µm diam. Cystidia stipitis similia.Ad terram.

This comes close to both the European C. filaris (Fr.) Kuhner and South American C. austrofilaris (Singer) Watling; it differs from the latter in lacking the variable cheilocystidia and the encrusted amorphous pigment on the gill-margin found in that species. It differs also from the former particularly in its more slender and elegant nature and the narrower cheilocystidia. In stature it resembles C. flexipes Watling but this species has much larger basidiospores.
Holotypus; Horak ZT 68/303, 24 iv 1968, Kaituna Valley, New Zealand.

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Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe gracilenta Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)

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on soil under Podocarpus, Fuchsia etc., Kaituna Valley, Banks Peninsula,[New Zealand] 24 iv 1968, holotype Horak ZT 68/303.

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1 January 2001
18 October 2014
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