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Clavaria rubicundula Leathers 1956

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Clavaria rubicundula Leathers, Mycologia 48 283 (1956)
Clavaria rubicundula Leathers 1956

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New Zealand
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Type USA. The name is used in a broad sense.

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Clavaria rubicundula Leathers 1956
Clavaria rubicundula
Type USA

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Clavaria rubicundula Leathers 1956

North Island: WKR, Yakas Tree Track,, coll. RHP, no. 43695 (TENN); OSF, Loop Track, 8.v.83, coll. RHP, no. 43806 (TENN).
Fruit bodies up to 7 cm high, up to 4 mm thick, simple clubs, gregarious to fasciculate in groups of up to 25 individuals, narrowly fusiform, curved-ascending, dull rosy pink all over. Club opaque, appearing waxy; apex rounded. Stipe concolorous with club, differing only in subglabrous texture.
Tramal hyphae up to 18 µm diam., thin-walled, clampless, inflated, constricted at primary septa, short-celled, parallel; secondary septa common; wall thickened in narrow transverse bands here and there; gloeoplerous hyphae rare, uninflated, highly refringent. Subhymenium poorly developed. Hymenium thickening; basidia 55-65 x 7.5-9 µm, clavate, clampless, 4.5-5 µm thick at base; contents multiguttulate at maturity, the guttules small and highly refringent; sterigmata 4, short, spindly.
Spores 6.8-8.3x4.7-5.4 µm (E = 1.33-1.62; Em 1.46; Lm = 7.52 µm), ovate to ellipsoid, smooth, flattened adaxially, thin-walled; contents uniguttulate when mature; hilar appendix small, papillate, not prominent.
>On humus.
When I first collected this, I thought it was the same as Clavaria roseo-violacea, for both form clumps of pink fruit bodies. I noted the colour as the same as C. rubicundula, with which I am familiar from North America. As a result, accurate colour notes are not available. Moreover, the specimen was old when collected, and most fruit bodies broke in transit from field to laboratory.
I can find no good reason to separate this from Clavaria rubicundula, which fruits in eastern North America from Michigan and the Canadian maritimes to the southern Appalachian Mountains. I would have no hesitation with such a distribution pattern if the taxon were reported from locations between North America and New Zealand, but I know of no such reports. Nonetheless, because I cannot separate the two taxa, I include the New Zealand specimen under the name hitherto reserved for North American material.
A single collection has been made of a taxon with simple fruit bodies of similar colouration to Clavaria rubicundula and with identical micromorphology. Fruit bodies were up to 45 x 3 mm, not as brittle as those of C. rubicundula, with stipe portion pallid pinkish flesh ("pale pinkish cinnamon") and glabrous, and club pallid violet-grey ("vinaceous buff"). No branching or fasciculation were seen. The stipes were pruinose with a white "bloom" at the base. Whether this specimen represents a separate taxon cannot be ascertained until more collections are made.

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Clavaria rubicundula Leathers 1956
Clavaria rubicundula Leathers (1956)
Clavaria rubicundula Leathers 1956
Clavaria rubicundula Leathers (1956)
Clavaria rubicundula Leathers 1956
Clavaria rubicundula Leathers (1956)
Clavaria rubicundula Leathers 1956
Clavaria rubicundula Leathers (1956)
Clavaria rubicundula Leathers 1956

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Clavaria rubicundula Leathers 1956
New Zealand

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Type USA

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scientific name
16 June 2003
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