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Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen 1978

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Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen, Austral. J. Bot. 26 420 (1978)
Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen 1978

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
Type NSW

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R.H. Petersen
R.H. Petersen
Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen 1978
Clavaria muscula
Type Australia

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Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen 1978

North Island: UNP, Black Beech Track, 23.v.81, coll. GS, no. 42374, with aquarelle (TENN).
Fruit bodies up to 8 cm high, up to 4 mm thick, simple, solitary to gregarious. Stipe up to 2.5 mm thick, equal, silky, clearly different in texture and width from club, with small pale grey subicular mat, neutral grey ("dark mouse grey") to bluish grey ("dark Quaker-drab"). Club terete, solid, neutral flat grey ("smoke grey", "light greyish olive", "mouse-grey"); club trama concolourous with stipe, stuffed. Taste and odour none.
Tramal hyphae without clamp connections, hyaline, thin-walled, parallel, tightly packed, of two width ranges: (i) up to 18.5 µm diam., of barrel-shaped cells, and (ii) 2.6-3.4 µm diam.; secondary septa absent. Subhymenium extensive, pseudoparenchymatous. Basidia 70-80 x 8-12 µm, clavate, with clamp connections; contents multiguttulate, the guttules refringent under phase contrast; clamp connection usually very long, loop-like, appearing as a bifurcation of the basidium base; sterigmata 4, divergent.
Spores 6.7-8.1 x 5.2-6.3 µm (E =1.19-1.50; Em = 1.30; Lm = 7.51 µm), very broadly ellipsoid, flattened some what adaxially, smooth, thin-walled, hyaline under bright field; contents multiguttulate, the guttules refringent under phase contrast; hilar appendix papillate, up to I µm long.
On humus under tree ferns.
The New Zealand material conformed in every aspect with the Australian material described earlier.

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Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen 1978
Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen (1978)
Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen 1978
Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen (1978)
Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen 1978
Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen (1978)
Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen 1978
Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen (1978)
Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen 1978

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Clavaria muscula R.H. Petersen 1978
New Zealand

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Type Australia

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scientific name
19 March 1996
25 September 2000