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Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
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Threat status: Data deficient

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Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak, New Zealand J. Bot. 28 276 (1990)

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E. Horak
E. Horak
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990
NZ holotype
Camarophyllus impurus
New Zealand: Auckland, Waitakere Ranges, Mill Bay, under Leptospermum scoparium, 29 vi 1981, Horak, holotype PDD 27226

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Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990

Pileus -40 mm, hemispherical when young, soon becoming broadly campanulate finally convex to plane with distinct papilla; margin strongly inrolled in young specimens; white turning pale argillaceous or pale ochre in aged basidiomes; viscid to glutinous when moist, minutely fibrillose in dry condition, margin non-striate. -Lamellae 12-18 (1-3) arcuate to broadly adnate and decurrent with long tooth, crowded; whitish, occasionally with faint orange tint, edges concolorous, entire. - Stipe 25-90 x 26 mm, cylindrical or attenuated towards base, often robust in young specimens; concolorous with pileus, pale ochre-pink in lower portion, especially at base; dry, conspicuously fibrillose, solid becoming fistulose-hollow, single or caespitose. - Context pale whitish or ochre in pileus, pale brown to pink towards base of stipe, soft. - Odour and taste not distinctive. - Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH - pale yellow. - Spore print white. Spores 8-9 x 5-6 um, ovoid to elliptical, smooth, hyaline, inamyloid. - Basidia 45 60 x 6-7 um, 4 spored. -Cystidia absent. -Pileipellis an ixocutis of cylindrical, interwoven, gelatinised hyphae (2-6 um diam.), pigment not observed; clamp connections present (Pl. 1, Fig., 7),
ECOLOGY: Rare; saprobic on soil among litter under Leptospermum scoparium. June.
Pileus -4 0 mm, hemisphaericus dein campanulatus vel planopapillatus, albidus, viscidus Lamellae arcuatae, isabcllinae. Stipes 25-90 X 2-6 mm. cylindricus vel attenuatus, pileo concolor, pallide ochraceoroseus basim versus. siccus. Odor nullus. Sporae 8-9 X 5-6 um, ovoideae. Ad terram in silvis Leptospermi. Novazelandia Holotypus PDD 27226.

ETYMOLOGY: impurus = off white, dirty.

Macroscopically Camarophyllus impurus is similar in many respects to C. patinaecolor. The basidiomes of both taxa are characterised by white to off-white colours. C. impurus, however, does not exhibit greenish-blue tinges which is a typical feature of C. patinaecolor. Microscopically the identification of the two related taxa is readily established because - their spores differ clearly in size.

TYPE: NZ: NA, Waitakere Ranges, Mill Bay, under Leptospermum scoparium, 29 vi 1981, Horak, PDD  27226.

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Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak (1990)
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak (1990)
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak (1990)
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak (1990)
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak (1990)
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak (1990)
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990

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Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990
New Zealand
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990
New Zealand
Camarophyllus impurus E. Horak 1990
New Zealand

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New Zealand: Auckland, Waitakere Ranges, Mill Bay, under Leptospermum scoparium, 29 vi 1981, Horak, holotype PDD 27226

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scientific name
1 January 2001
3 March 2023
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