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Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer 1952 [1950]

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Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer, Lilloa 23 212 (1952 [1950])
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer 1952 [1950]

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Recorded in error
New Zealand
Political Region
Type S. America. fide Watling & Taylor 1987, p.25 as cf. puigarii. No PDD voucher.

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(Speg.) Singer
Agrocybe puiggarii

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Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer 1952 [1950]

Old Government House, Auckland University Campus, legit J. Cole, 1 iv 1971, Segedin 760; on wood of Senecio, Old Government House, Auckland, iii 1972 Segedin 849; on ground, Cornwall Park, Auckland, legit C.M. Segedin, I xi 1976 Segedin 1334; Clive Road, Epsom, 3 xii 1980, Segedin 1723. Possibly also Segedin 690, Auckland Domain 1970?
Pileus 55-90 mm, convex then plano-convex, ochraceous yellow, paler at enrolled margin and sometimes ornamented with velar debris, cracking from edge to form areolae and show white flesh below, irregularly furrowed. Stipe 40-50 x 5-13 mm, cylindric, slightly clavate towards base, white at apex, annulate, tough, fibrillose-floccose and similarly coloured to pileus downwards, becoming cracked; ring thick, tough, floccose-flaky below, dark brown striate above from spores. Gills crowded, fairly thin, dirty brown grey, uneven with pale, wavy edge. Flesh white throughout almost continuous in pileus and stipe. Taste none; smell rather sweet sickly. Basidiospores tobacco brown in mass, (10.25-) 11-12.5 x 6-6.5 µm, elliptic in side and face views, slightly flattened in side view, relatively thick-walled, yellowish brown in water and alkali solution; germ-pore distinct, central. Basidia 4-spored, cylindric 27-35 x 6-9 µm. Cheilocystidia numerous forming a thick wide fringe, narrowly lageniform, 40-60 x 5-10 µm with flexuous neck 25-30 µm long and obtuse head, tapered or not and 4-6 µm broad, some almost cylindric, hyaline; pleurocystidia ventricose-mucronate or ampulliform 32-46 x 10-14 µm with mucro 1-2 µm broad, hyaline. Hymenophoral trama regular with some oleiferous-like, yellow hyphae. Pileipellis a mixture of pyriform, pedicellate swollen cells >25 µm broad intermixed with many filamentous-cylindric, hyaline hyphae and fewer, similar yellowish hyphae 4-6 µm broad. Stipitipellis above ring with lines of clusters of variable cells many similar to those on gill margin or flexuous, filamentous, some pyriform. Clamp-connections present.
On ground or on old wood in disturbed areas.

This species was originally described, as Pholiota based on a collection from grassy fields at Apiahy, Brazil. Singer (1950) recognised it as an Agrocybe and placed it close to A. praecox and A. molesta (Lasch) Singer (= A. dura (Bolt.: Fr.) Singer).

There is evidence that this species may be more widespread than the literature suggests and that it may occur in New Zealand. Three collections with characteristic flexuous filamentous to lageniform cheilocystidia and mucronate-vesiculose pleurocystidia were located amongst the material in PDD. Unfortunately little field data accompanies the collections so the identifications are meantime preliminary. It, however, indicates that yet another member of Agrocybe sg. Agrocybe is to be found in New Zealand and fresh collections to substantiate the record are urgently required. The New Zealand material had the following characters:

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Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer 1952 [1950]
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer (1952) [1950]
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer 1952 [1950]
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer (1952) [1950]
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer 1952 [1950]
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer (1952) [1950]
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer 1952 [1950]
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer 1952 [1950]
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer (1952) [1950]
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer 1952 [1950]
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer (1952) [1950]
Pholiota puiggarii Speg. (1889)
Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer 1952 [1950]

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taxonomic status
Fresh collections are required to substantiate the identity of the N.Z. material as different to A. praecox.

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scientific name
1 January 2001
10 May 2011
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