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Eriopezia samuelsii Korf 1978

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Eriopezia samuelsii Korf, Mycotaxon 7 464 (1978)

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Eriopezia samuelsii Korf 1978
NZ holotype; Holotype CUP 57031; isotype PDD 31873
Eriopezia samuelsii
Walker's Bush Track, New Zealand, 7.VIII. 1974 holotype CUP 57031, Isotypes R.P.K. 4134, PDD 31873, CUP-K-1349

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Eriopezia samuelsii Korf 1978

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: G. J. Samuels, on dead leaves of Gahnia sp., Auckland Prov., Waitemata Co., Waitakere Ranges, off Mountain Rd., Walker's Bush Track, New Zealand, 7.VIII. 1974 [CUP 57031 (HOLOTYPE), R.P.K. 4134 (ISOTYPE)]. J. M. Dingley, G. J. Samuels & S. Haydon, on leaves of Gahnia sp., Auckland Prov., Waitemata County, Waitakere Ranges, vic. Kitekite Stream, along Marguerite Track, New Zealand, 30.V. 1973 [CUP 57032 (PARATYPE); AUPD 31802, G. J. Samuels 73104, R.P.K. 4153 (ISOPARATYPES)].
Apothecia minuta, fusca, gregaria, breviter stipitata, in tege subiculari densa immerse, hymenio paene nigro. Cellulae excipulares ectales fuscae, parientes pilos breves, hyalinos, laeves et hyphas subiculares hyalinas, laeves vel asperulas, quae folii superficiem contingentes brunnescentes sunt. Asci 93-103 x 11.0-13.2 µm, ex uncis enati, 8-spori, poro in iodo caerulescente. Ascosporae hyalinae, 1-septatae, (13.9-) 14.6-19.0 x 4.14.8 µm, integumento gelatinoso <1.5 µm lato involutae. Paraphyses filiformi-clavatae, pauciseptatae, 1.5 µm latae, integumento gelatinoso involutae.
ETYMOLOGY: From the name of the collector of the holotype specimen.
Typus: CUP 57031

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Eriopezia samuelsii Korf 1978
Eriopezia samuelsii Korf 1978
Eriopezia samuelsii Korf 1978
Eriopezia samuelsii Korf (1978)

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Walker's Bush Track, New Zealand, 7.VIII. 1974 holotype CUP 57031, Isotypes R.P.K. 4134, PDD 31873, CUP-K-1349

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19 March 1993
30 September 2003
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