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Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. 1931

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Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef., Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 1931 201 (1931)

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Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. 1931
NZ holotype
Aleurodiscus peziculoides
New Zealand, York Bay, Wellington, on dead twigs on the forest floor, E. J.Butler and G. H. Cunningham, No. 1210, July 1923, holotype PDD 1210.

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Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. 1931

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. 1931

Fructificationes circiter 1 mm. diametro, gregariae, erumpentes, haud confluentes, convexae, genus Peziculam in mentem referentes, margine libero, haud incurvo, infra brunneo. Hymenium convexum, pruinatum, ex alutaceo roseo-cinnamomeum. Basidia juvenilia clavata, intus granulata, 75-80(-200) x 12-16 µ. Paraphyses (acanthophyses) elongatae, supra vix incrassatae, apice aculeatae, 4-6 µ diametro. Sporae non visae. Hyphae hyalinae, dense intertextae, vix distinguendae, crasse tunicatae, non nodosae, 4-4.5 µ diametro, accretionibus mineralibus magnis subglobosis intermixtis.
In habit the species recalls A. Farlowii Burt and A. Grantii Lloyd. From the former it differs in the more slender paraphyses, aculeate only at the apex, and from the latter in the microscopic characters, in so far as they were indicated by the author. The flesh is remarkably firm for the genus and the elements difficult to distinguish. Scattered throughout the subhymenial tissue are large globose clusters of mineral matter, reaching up to 30 µ in diameter.
NEW ZEALAND. York Bay, Wellington, on dead twigs on the forest floor, E.J. Butler and G H. Cunningham, No. 1210, July 1923.

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Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. 1931
Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. (1931)
Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. 1931
Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. 1931
Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. 1931
Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. (1931)
Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. 1931
Aleurodiscus peziculoides Wakef. (1931)

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New Zealand, York Bay, Wellington, on dead twigs on the forest floor, E. J.Butler and G. H. Cunningham, No. 1210, July 1923, holotype PDD 1210.

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29 April 1996
22 July 2003
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