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Tubulicrinis rimicola (P. Karst.) G. Cunn. 1963

Tubulicrinis rimicola (P. Karst.) G. Cunn. 1963
G. Cunn.
P. Karst.
(P. Karst.) G. Cunn.
Tubulicrinis rimicola
Tubulicrinis rimicola (P. Karst.) G. Cunn. 1963
COMPOSITAE. Brachyglottis repanda: Auckland, Whitianga Road, Coromandel Peninsula, 300 m; Lake Okataina, 450 m. ELAEOCARPACEAE. Aristotelia serrata: Auckland, Lake Okataina, 400 m. LAURACEAE. Beilschmiedia tawa: Auckland, Lake Okataina, 450 m; Lake Rotoehu, 400 m. PANDANACEAE. Freycinetia banksii: Auckland, Whangapoua Saddle, Coromandel Peninsula, 500 m. PROTEACEAE. Knightia excelsa: Auckland, Earthquake Flat, Rotorua, 500 m. RUBIACEAE. Coprosma robusta: Wellington, Turakina Valley, 75 m. VIOLACEAE. Melicytus ramiflorus: Hawke's Bay, Waipatiki Beach. Wellington, Lake Papaitonga, 20 m.
Hymenophore annual, probably perennial, ceraceous, adherent, effused forming irregular areas 7-10 x 3-5 cm; hymenial surface dingy grey, pallid ochre or light reddish-brown, pruinose, polished when .old, not creviced; margin thinning out, arachnoid, white, adherent. Context dingy brown and glistening in section, 40-150 µm thick, basal layer of densely compacted, gelatinised, parallel hyphae sometimes arranged in 2-3 obscure zones, intermediate layer wanting; generative hyphae 2-2.5 µm diameter, walls 0.2 µm thick, naked, without clamp connections. Cystidia arising from superficial basal hyphae, projecting for almost their entire length, naked, cylindrical with inflated bases and often collapsed sometimes strangulated attenuated apices, 70-110 x 5-8 µm. Hymenial layer a shallow zone of scattered basidia, paraphyses, and cystidia. Basidia clavate, 14-24 x 7-9 µm, bearing 2-4 spores; sterigmata slightly arcuate, 4-6 µm long. Paraphyses subclavate or cylindrical, 12-16 x 3.5-4 µm. Paraphysate hyphae cylindrical with capitate apices, stems 12-16 x 2-5 µm, apices inflated to 4 µm. Spores broadly elliptical, oval, obovate, a few subglobose, laterally apiculate, 7-9 x 5-6 µm, walls delicately but distinctly verruculose, hyaline, 0.2 µm thick.
DISTRIBUTION: Europe, North and South America, South Africa, New Zealand.
HABITAT: Effused on bark or decorticated wood of dead branches.
When fresh, fructifications are somewhat gelatinous, farinose from projecting cystidia, and tinted greyish-blue; when dry they become firm and horny, often appearing varnished and in sections glistening. T. rimicola offers difficulties in its interpretation. It evidently belongs to Tubulicrinis since cystidia are naked and develop directly from basal hyphae, not upon pedicels. An intermediate tissue is wanting, the hymenium arising from surface hyphae of the basal layer. The latter, at first delicate and composed of a few repent hyphae, becomes extensive as plants develop, in some collections appearing obscurely stratose and embedding collapsed cystidia. Finally hyphae of the basal layer, save near the fertile area, become gelatinised, collapsed, and almost amorphous. Spores are delicately but distinctly verruculose, size and abundance of verrucae varying in different collections. Cystidia are relatively thick-walled at bases, walls becoming progressively thinner towards apices, and in that region soon collapse. Capitate paraphysate hyphae are present in the hymenial layer and may be abundant or scanty in different collections.
Taxonomic concepts
Tubulicrinis rimicola (P. Karst.) G. Cunn. 1963
Tubulicrinis rimicola (P. Karst.) G. Cunn.
Tubulicrinis rimicola (P. Karst.) G. Cunn. 1963
Tubulicrinis rimicola (P. Karst.) G. Cunn.
Global name resources
scientific name
13 July 1998
10 June 2019