Torrendiella dingleyae P.R. Johnst. & Gamundí 2000

Torrendiella dingleyae P.R. Johnst. & Gamundí 2000
Apothecia developing on both sides of fallen leaves or on dead leaves remaining attached to fallen twigs and branches; erumpent through host tissue, arising from small patch of stromatic tissue at base of apothecium; apothecia 0.35-0.65 mm diam., short-stipitate, fleshy; disc plane, sepia grey or light greyish sepia; receptacle and stipe concolorous with disc (darker in some collections), with numerous, black, stiff setae; stipe robust, short, cylindric, often darkened near base. Paraphyses 1.5-2 µm diam., more or less undifferentiated at rounded apex, about same length as asci. Asci 105-135 (-145) x 7.5-9 µm, cylindric, tapering slightly to broadly subtruncate apex, wall thickened at apex with prominent amyloid pore, 8-spored. Ascospores (11.5-) 12.5-14.5 (-15.5) x (4.5-) 5.5-6.5 (-7) µm, broad ellipsoid-fusoid, tapering uniformly to each end, hyaline; uniseriate. Ectal excipulum 3-layered; outer layer a single cell wide network of radially disposed, long-celled hyphae 2.5-5 µm diam. with wall encrusted, dark brown, end cell often slightly swollen; central layer comprising textura porrecta of long-cylindric cells with lumen 2.5-3 µm diam. on sides of receptacle, 5-6.5 µm diam. near base, wall hyaline, thick, gelatinous; inner layer comprising textura porrecta of long-cylindric cells 4-8 µm diam. with wall brown, thin, nongelatinous. Setae arising from central layer of ectal excipulum, (300-) 400-500 (-600) x 12-15 (-20) µm, slightly swollen near the base, tapering to simple base, tapering gradually to more or less acute apex, walls smooth, dark brown to black, slightly paler near apex, pluriseptate (but septa visible only in pale upper portion of setae); setae on stipe shorter and thinner than those on receptacle, about 190-230 µm long, tapering to either simple base, or irregularly swollen at base, those with swollen base arising from outer layer of ectal excipulum.
APPEARANCE IN CULTURE: OA: 80 mm diam.; aerial mycelium dense, grey, forming irregular patches, lacking from most of colony; agar surface patchy with black, dark brown, and red brown pigmentation. PDA: 35 mm diam., margin slightly uneven; colony surface near centre raised and deeply convoluted; aerial mycelium low, dense, felted to cottony, whitish to pale grey; in reverse very dark reddish brown. MEA-M: 75 mm diam.; aerial mycelium dense felted to cottony, pale grey to pinkish; in reverse pale reddish brown, with irregular dark brown patches. MEA-D: aerial mycelium sparse; agar with brown pigmentation, more intense toward centre of colony, with small, scattered dark-brown flecks.