Tolyposporium schoeni Vánky & McKenzie 1995

Tolyposporium schoeni Vánky & McKenzie in Vánky & Websdane, Mycotaxon 56 227 (1995)
Vánky & McKenzie
Vánky & McKenzie
Tolyposporium schoeni Vánky & McKenzie 1995
NZ holotype
Tolyposporium schoeni
on Schoenus brevifolius R. Br., New Zealand, North Island, Northland, Karikari Peninsula, Inland Road, old gumdiggers site, 34°58' S, 173°23' E, alt. c. 15 m, 9 Feb. 1990, E.H.C. McKenzie, P.R. Johnston & K. Vanky, Holotype Vanky HUV 16501, isotype DAR 76381, S F37961, H 7028116, BPI 845394, BPI 738183, GZU 294560, L 0819842, BR 5020162565907, NY 01179687
Tolyposporium schoeni Vánky & McKenzie 1995
Sori (Fig. 17) in the flowers, completely hidden by the floral envelopes. The black, first agglutinated, later granular-powdery mass of spore balls is covering the surface of the proximal part of the filaments and also filling the aborted and deformed nuts which early split longitudinally. Layer of sporogenous hyphae apparently absent. Spore balls (Figs. 19, 20, 21, 22) variable in shape and size, ovoid, elongate or irregular, 50-90 ´ 60-120 (-150) µm, dark reddish-brown to blackish-brown, opaque, composed of many (80 to several hundreds) of firmly united spores. Spores (Figs. 19, 20, 21, 22) subpyramidal, wedge-shaped to irregularly elongated, 12-30 (-35) µm long, reddish- to light blackish-brown. The interior of large spore balls is empty or this central cavity may be filled with loosely arranged, globoid, smooth spores. The wall of the free, outer surface is polygonal, (6.5- )8-12 x 8-16 µm in diameter, slightly convex, 1-3 µm thick, provided with low, irregular, often confluent warts. Wall of contact sides thinner (0.5-1 µm), smooth, but the free surface in the cavity is thicker again (1-2 µm), smooth or verrucose. Germination (Fig. 23; of three and a half years old spores of the type specimen, on water-agar, after 1 day, at room temperature) results in septate basidia producing whorls of ovoid basidiospores at the septa and on the apex of the basidium, sterigmata lacking. Basidiospores germinate as yeasts measuring 1.5-4 x 5.5-9.5 µm.
Sori (Fig. 17) in floribus, per partes involucrales perfecte obtecti. Massa glomerulorum sporarum nigra, primo agglutinata, deinde granuloso-pulverea, superficiem partis proximalis filamentorum obtegens atque simul nuces abortivos deformatosque cito longitudinaliter discissos implens. Stratum hypharum sporogenearum ut videtur nullum. Glomeruli sporarum (Figg. 19, 20, 21, 22) forma magnitudineque variabiles, ovoidei, elongati vel irregularly, 50-90 ´ 60-120 (-150) µm, atro-rubrobrunnei usque fuscobrunnei, opaci, e multitudine (80 usque pluries centum) sporarum arcte unitarum compositi. Pars interior glomerulorum sporarum magnorum vacua, vel haec caverna centralis forte sporis laxe dispositis, globoideis, levibus impleta. Sporae (Figg. 19, 20, 21, 22) subpyramidales, cuneiformes usque irregulariter elongatae, 12-30 (-35) µm longae, rubro- usque pallide nigro-brunneae. Paries superficiei externae, liberae sporarum polygonalis, diametro (6,5-) 8-12 ´ 8-16 µm, parum convexus, 1-3 µm crassus, verrucis humilibus, irregularibus, saepe confluentibus ornatus. Paries laterum conjunctorum tenuior (0,5-1 µm), levis, sed superficies libera in caverna centrali rursus crassior (1-2 µm), levis vel verrucosa. Germinatio (Fig. 23) basidiis septatis, verticillos basidiosporarum ovoidearum ad septa et in apicibus producentibus. Basidiosporae more fermentorum germinantes, 1,5-4 ´ 5,5-9,5 µm.
Typus in matrice Schoenus brevifolius R. Br., New Zealand, North Island, Northland, Karikari Peninsula, Inland Road, old gumdiggers site. 34058' S, 173023' E, alt. ca. 15 m, 9.II.1990, leg. E. H. C. McKenzie, P. R. Johnston & K. Vánky. Holotypus in Herbario Ustil. Vánky (HUV 16501!); isotypi in PDD 63729, BPI and in Vánky, Ustil. exs. (inedited). Paratypi: New Zealand, North Island, Auckland, New Lynn, 30.I.1922, H. Carae (HUV 16727! & CHR 293572); Auckland, Hobson Co., Lake Taharoa, 24.XII.1971, A. E. Esler (HUV 16726! & PDD 56451).
Taxonomic concepts
Tolyposporium schoeni Vánky & McKenzie 1995
Tolyposporium schoeni Vánky & McKenzie (1995)
Tolyposporium schoeni Vánky & McKenzie 1995
Tolyposporium schoeni Vánky & McKenzie (1995)
Global name resources
on Schoenus brevifolius R. Br., New Zealand, North Island, Northland, Karikari Peninsula, Inland Road, old gumdiggers site, 34°58' S, 173°23' E, alt. c. 15 m, 9 Feb. 1990, E.H.C. McKenzie, P.R. Johnston & K. Vanky, Holotype Vanky HUV 16501, isotype DAR 76381, S F37961, H 7028116, BPI 845394, BPI 738183, GZU 294560, L 0819842, BR 5020162565907, NY 01179687
scientific name
16 September 2000
6 September 2002