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Stenella scleriae McKenzie 1982

Stenella scleriae McKenzie, New Zealand J. Bot. 20 250 (1982)
Stenella scleriae McKenzie 1982
Solomon Is.
Stenella scleriae
Stenella scleriae McKenzie 1982
On living leaves of Scleria polycarpa Boeck. Solomon Islands, Kolombangara, 12. VIL 1980, E. H. C. McKenzie (PDD 40911) [Holotype].
Colonies amphigenous, but mainly on the adaxial leaf surface. Mycelium mostly superficial, pale straw coloured, branched, minutely verruculose,septate, 1.5-5 µm thick. Stroma absent. Conidiophores originating from brown, smooth, sometimes swollen cells 5-10 µm wide, macronematous, mononematous, mostly single, usually unbranched, straight or flexuous, occasionally geniculate, usually smooth, septate, brown, paler towards the apex, up to 210 µm long x 2.5-4 (-4.5) µm thick. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, integrated, terminal becoming intercalary, sympodial, conidial scars thickened and slightly prominent; scar 1-1.5 µm wide. Conidia solitary, straight, curved or flexuous, cylindrical or narrowly obclavate, apex rounded, base obconically truncate, straw coloured, minutely verruculose, indistinctly (0-)1-3 septate, 20-50 (-70) µm long x 2.5-3.5(-4) µm wide in the broadest part; hilum 1-1.5 µm wide, lateral scars seen on 1 conidium.
Coloniae amphigenae, plerumque adaxiales. Mycelium ex hyphis plerumque superficialibus, stramineis, ramosis, minute verruculosis, septatis, 1.5-2.5 µm crassis. Stroma nullum. Conidiophora e cellulis fuscis, laevibus, basi interdum ad 5-10 µm inflata, macronematosa, mononematosa, plerumque singula, saepe eramosa, erecta, recta vel flexuosa, interdum apice geniculata, plerumque laevia, septata, brunnea, apicem versus pallidiora, usque ad 210 µm longa x 2.5-4(-4.5) µm crassa. Cellulae conidiogenae polyblasticae, in conidiophoris incorporatae, terminales et intercalares, sympodiales, cicatrices conidiales 1-1.5 µm latae. Conidia solitaria, parum curvata vel flexuosa, cylindrica vel obclarato-cylindrica, straminea, minute verruculosa, (0-)1-3 indistincte septata, 20-50(-70) µm longa x 2.5-3.5(-4) µm lata, cellula apicali rotundata, cellula basali truncata; hilo 1-1.5 µm lato. In foliis cyperaceae speciei Scleria polycarpa Boeck. Holotypus PDD 40911.
Stenella scleriae is associated with an indistinct yellowish discolouration of leaves of Scleria polycarpa.
Stenella gahniae and S. scleriae are distinct from any described species of Stenella, and differ from each other principally in the size of the conidia. The narrower conidia of S. scleriae correspond with the narrower conidial scars on the conidiophores of this species. No catenulate conidia, a feature of Stenella, were seen in either species, although 1 conidium of S. scleriae was observed with a lateral scar. Some other species of Stenella rarely produce catenulate conidia.
A few conidiophores of S. scleriae were verruculose over part of their length. The related genus, Stenellopsis produces solitary conidia and has conidiophores which are sometimes roughened. However, Stenellopsis has immersed mycelium and immersed stromata, compared with the usually abundant superficial mycelium and, where present, the mostly superficial stromata of Stenella.
Stenella gahniae and S. scleriae are distinct from any described species of Stenella, and differ from each other principally in the size of the conidia. The narrower conidia of S. scleriae correspond with the narrower conidial scars on the conidiophores of this species. No catenulate conidia, a feature of Stenella, were seen in either species, although 1 conidium of S. scleriae was observed with a lateral scar. Some other species of Stenella rarely produce catenulate conidia.
A few conidiophores of S. scleriae were verruculose over part of their length. The related genus, Stenellopsis produces solitary conidia and has conidiophores which are sometimes roughened. However, Stenellopsis has immersed mycelium and immersed stromata, compared with the usually abundant superficial mycelium and, where present, the mostly superficial stromata of Stenella.
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scientific name
1 January 2001
15 January 2015