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Sebacina novae-zelandiae McNabb 1969

Sebacina novae-zelandiae McNabb, New Zealand J. Bot. 7 252 (1969)
Sebacina novae-zelandiae McNabb 1969
NZ holotype
Sebacina novae-zelandiae
Sebacina novae-zelandiae McNabb 1969
On dead (1) Coprosma australis, Auckland, Waitakere Ranges, Cutty Grass Track, 3.IX.l965, R. F. R. McNabb, 24708. (2) Quercus robur, Auckland Domain, 4.I.l966, R. F. R. McN. (HOLOTYPE, PDD 24930); 9.I.l967, R. F. R. McN., 25606. (3) Weinmannia racemosa, Stewart Island, 17.II.1954, J. M. Dingley, 25605.
Fructifications soft to waxy-gelatinous, resupinate, thin, effused, indeterminate, forming irregular areas to 10 cm in longest dimension, greyish-hyaline to bluish-grey when fresh, surface pruinose to farinaceous, drying to a hyaline to greyish-white film; margins concolorous, adnate. In section 50-100 µm thick, composed of basal layer and hymenium. Basal layer thin, indistinct, composed of thin-walled, hyaline, agglutinated hyphae lying parallel with substratum, clamp connections present. Fertile hyphae hyaline, thin-walled, tortuous, 2-4.5 µm diam., clamped. Hymenium composed of dikaryophyses, paraphysoids and basidia; dikaryophyses abundant, arising from basal hyphae or base of fertile hyphae, projecting 10-30 µm beyond basidia, nodulose, clamped, finely and irregularly branched apically; paraphysoids sparse to abundant, arising from base of fertile hyphae, variable in shape but typically irregularly cylindrical to subclavate, hyaline, thin-walled, devoid of coloured contents, 25-80 x 5-10 µm; probasidia initially cylindrical to clavate, later broadly obovate to pyriform, proliferating through or near basal clamp connections, 14.3-19.2 x 10-13.4 µm, becoming longitudinally cruciate-septate; sterigmata cylindrical, to 45 x 3-4 µm. Basidiospores cylindrical, curved-cylindrical, or ovate and flattened on one side, hyaline, aguttulate, apiculate, 10.4-15.6-(17.3) x 4.8-6.5-(7.2) µm. Germination by repetition, or by stout germ tubes.
Dead angiosperm wood.
Fructificationes molliter gelatinosae ad ceraceo-gelatinosas, resupinatae, tenues, pruinosae ad farinaceas, griseo-hyalinae ad caesias; ordo basalis tenuis, factus ex hyphis indistinctis, nodosis. Dikaryophyses subtiliter et irregulariter ramosae ad apicem; paraphysoidea irregulariter cylindrica ad subclavata, 25-80 x 5-10 µm; probasidia late obovata ad pyriformia, 14.3-19.2 x 10-13.4µm, per longitudinem cruciata-septata; sterigmata cylindrica, ad 45 x 3-4 µm. Basidiosporae cylindricae, curvo-cylindricae vel ovatae, 10.4-15.6-(17.3) x 4.8-6.5-(7.2) µm. Germinantes per repetitionem, vel per tubulos. Habitat in mortua Querco robore.
The absence of both thick-walled cystidia and gloeocystidia with coloured contents indicate that this species belongs in sect. Sebacina. It closely resembles S. umbrina. Rogers but spores of S. novae-zelandiae are considerably broader and range in shape from curved-cylindrical to ovate and flattened on one side.
Typus Auckland Province, Auckland Domain, 411966, R. F. R. McNabb, PDD 24930.
Taxonomic concepts
Global name resources
Identification keys
Quercus robur,[New Zealand], Auckland Domain, 4.1.1966, R. F. R. McN., holotype PDD 24930, isotype BPI 723994
scientific name
12 April 2000
29 November 2006