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Sebacina cremea McNabb 1969

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Sebacina cremea McNabb, New Zealand J. Bot. 7 249 (1969)

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Sebacina cremea McNabb 1969
NZ holotype
Sebacina cremea
On dead Melicytus ramiflorus, [New Zealand], Auckland, Thames, Kauaeranga Valley, 26 viii.1954, J. M. Dingley (HOLOTYPE, PDD 25006); isotype K(M) 58318, BPI 723850, DAOM 142539

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Sebacina cremea McNabb 1969

On dead Melicytus ramiflorus, Auckland, Thames, Kauaeranga Valley, 26.VIII.l954, J. M. Dingley (HOLOTYPE, PDD 25006); Lake Rotoehu, 10.IX.1954, G. H. Cunningham, PDD 25007.
Fructifications waxy to arid-waxy, resupinate, thin, effused, originating as discrete patches, coalescing to form irregular areas to 17 cm in longest dimension, pruinose to farinaceous, pallid greyish-cream when fresh, changing little on drying; margins concolorous, adnate. In section 100-300 µm thick, consisting of basal layer and hymenium, occasionally two or more growth layers present. Basal layer thin, composed of indistinct, agglutinated, hyaline hyphae lying parallel with substratum, clamp connections present. Hymenium composed of dikaryophyses, gloeocystidia and basidia; dikaryophyses finely and irregularly branched apically, indistinct; gloeocystidia abundant, cylindrical to subclavate, often flexuous, arising from basal hyphae, hyaline at first, contents becoming yellow to brownish-yellow, granular, 42-78 x 5.2-9.7 µm; probasidia at first clavate, later obovate to pyriform, often distinctly stalked, proliferating through or near obscure basal clamp connections, 15.5-25 x 9-13 µm becoming longitudinally cruciate-septate; sterigmata subulate, to 25 µm long. Basidiospores broadly cylindrical, curved-cylindrical, or ovate and flattened on one side, hyaline, apiculate, 12.4-16.8-(19.6) x 5.3-6.6 µm. Germination by repetition or by stout germ tubes
Dead angiosperm wood.
Fructificationes ceraceae ad aride ceraceas, resupinatae, tenues, pruinosae ad farinaceas, pallide griseo-cremeae; ordo basalis tenuis, factus ex hyphis indistinctis, nodosis. Dikaryophyses subtiliter et irregulariter ramosae ad apicem; gloeocystidia cylindrica ad subclavata, interiora brunneo-lutea, granulosa, 42-78 x 5.2-9.7 µm; probasidia obovata ad pyriformia, saepe stipulata, 15.5-25 x 9-13 µm, per longitudinem cruciata-septata; sterigmata subulata, ad 25 µm longa, Basidiosporae late cylindricae, curvo-cylindricae vel ovatae, 12.4-16.8-(19.6) x 5.3-6.6 µm Germinantes per repetitionem, vel tubulos.
Habitat in mortuo Melicyto ramiftoro.
Sebacina cremea is characterised by the cream, waxy to arid-waxy fructifications, obovate to pyriform, often stalked basidia with subulate sterigmata, and large cylindrical to curved-cylindrical spores.
Typus Auckland Province, Thames, Kauaeranga Valley, 26.VIII.l954, J. M. Dingley, PDD 25006.

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Sebacina cremea McNabb 1969
Sebacina cremea McNabb (1969)

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Sebacina cremea McNabb 1969
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Sebacina cremea McNabb 1969
New Zealand
Campbell Island

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On dead Melicytus ramiflorus, [New Zealand], Auckland, Thames, Kauaeranga Valley, 26 viii.1954, J. M. Dingley (HOLOTYPE, PDD 25006); isotype K(M) 58318, BPI 723850, DAOM 142539

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12 April 2000
15 December 2003
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