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Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979

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Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak, New Zealand J. Bot. 17 280 (1979)
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979

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New Zealand
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E. Horak
E. Horak
as 'dingleyi'
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979
NZ holotype (PDD 30259)
Rhodocybe dingleyae
New Zealand; North Island, "Mangatangi Gorge, Hunua Range, 26.IV. 1972. leg. Dingley, holotype PDD 30259, isotype Horak ZT 72/582

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Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979

New Zealand: North Island, Mangatangi Gorge, Hunua Range, 26.IV. 1972. leg. Dingley (PDD 30259, holotype-, ZT 72/582, isotype).
Pileus 30-45 mm diam., convex to plane when young, margin incurved, becoming umbilicate to subinfundibuliform, margin irregularly undulate in mature specimens; ochraceous to umber, darker in center, not hygrophanous, margin estriate; tomentose to minutely velvety, dry, veil remnants absent. Lamellae decurrent to arcuate, crowded; argillaceous with distinct salmon-pink tint; edge concolorous, even. Stipe 30-40 x 5-6 mm, cylindric, central; concolorous with lamellae, base white from mycelium; smooth to minutely fibrillose, dry, solid, single in groups. Odour, taste, and chemical reactions unknown. Spore print pale brown with pink tint. Spores 4.5-5.5 x 3.5-4 µm, ovoid , rugulose to verrucose, pale pink in KOH, membrane thin-walled. Basidia 20-25 x 5-6 µm, 4-spored. Pseudocystidia 30-45 X 4-7 µm, subfusoid, apex rounded (not pointed), rather scattered, membrane hyaline, inclusions absent or inconspicuous. Cuticle a cutis of interwoven cylindric hyphae (3-6 µm diam.), encrusted with brownish pigment, membranes not gelatinised dermatocystidia absent. Clamp connections lacking.
On soil in forests (under Nothofagus spp., Leptospermum spp., Phyllocladus sp., etc.). New Zealand.
Pileo -45 mm, piano dien umbilicato, ochraceo vel glabro. Lamellis adnato-decurrentibus, salmoneis. Stipite -40 x -6 mm, cylindrico, centrico glabro. Sporis 4.5-5.5 x 3.5-4 µm, rugosis. Pseudocystidiis -45 x -7µm, subfusoideis. Ad terram in silvis Novazelandia
This species is dedicated to Miss Joan Dingley (DSIR, Plant Diseases Division, Auckland), a keen collector and attentive observer of New Zealand agarics, who on many occasions sent interesting material for study. Rhodocybe dingleyi is closely related to R. mustellina Horak (1979) described from Papua New Guinea.
Typus PDD 30259

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Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak (1979)
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak (1979)
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak (1979)
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak (1979)
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak (1979)
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak (1979)

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Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979
New Zealand
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979
New Zealand
Rhodocybe dingleyae E. Horak 1979
New Zealand

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New Zealand; North Island, "Mangatangi Gorge, Hunua Range, 26.IV. 1972. leg. Dingley, holotype PDD 30259, isotype Horak ZT 72/582

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scientific name
1 January 2000
30 November 2015
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