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Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
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Threat status: Data deficient

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Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak, Sydowia 31 51 (1979 [1978])

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Guzmán & E. Horak
Guzmán & E. Horak
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
NZ holotype
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae
NEW ZEALAND, Canterbury, Mt. Grey, Kowai Bush; 15. IX. 1967, leg. HORAK (Holotype PDD 27132; isotypes in ZT, 67/104 and ENCB).

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Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]

New Zealand. MID CANTERBURY: Mount Grey, Kowai Bush, on soil under Nothofagus solandri and N. fusca, E. Horak, 15 Sep 1967, FDD 27132 (Holotype).
Pileus 15-25 mm diam., hemispherical or convex, expanding to umbonate to more or less flattened; slightly tacky, glabrous; dark brown to fuscous, striate to edge, hygrophanous, drying to orange-brown. Gills broadly adnate, pale rust brown; edge concolorous. Stipe 30-40 x 2-3 mm, cylindrical, covered with whitish appressed fibrils, pale brown or concolorous with pileus. Veil cortinoid, remaining visible as fibrils on stipe in older fruit bodies, never forming an annulate ring. Basidia 21-30 x 6.5-8.5 µm, cylindrical, or sometimes slightly constricted near centre, 4-spored, clamped. Cheilocystidia 13-26 x 4.5-6 µm, more or less cylindrical, or with a poorly differentiated, broad, flexuous neck. Pleurocystidia absent. Spores (7.5-)9-10.5(-12.5) x 6-7 x 5-6 µm, average 9.5 x 6.3x5.8 µm, in face view subrhomboid, in side view elliptical; wall brown, smooth, <l µm thick, with apical pore.
Known only from type collection, New Zealand: Mid Canterbury
On soil and litter under Nothofagus
Macroscopic features of description based on Guzman & Horak (1978:51-53) and Guzman (1983: 294-295); microscopic features from examination of type specimen.

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Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak (1979) [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak (1979) [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak (1979) [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak (1979) [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak (1979) [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak (1979) [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak (1979) [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak (1979) [1978]
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]

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Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
New Zealand
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
New Zealand
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
New Zealand
Otago Lakes
Psilocybe novae-zelandiae Guzmán & E. Horak 1979 [1978]
New Zealand

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NEW ZEALAND, Canterbury, Mt. Grey, Kowai Bush; 15. IX. 1967, leg. HORAK (Holotype PDD 27132; isotypes in ZT, 67/104 and ENCB).

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1 January 2001
24 January 2012
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