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Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982

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Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis, Kew Bull. 36 685 (1982)

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(Fr.) Dennis
Propolomyces versicolor

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Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982

Ascomata 1.5-3 x 0.5-1.5 mm, more or less oval to elliptic in outline, covered by a layer of host and fungal tissue which breaks open by irregular radiate slits, and folds back as several flaps to expose the white, pruinose hymenium. The covering flaps of tissue are blackened below, concolorous with surrounding host tissue above.

Ascomata in vertical section with a poorly developed upper wall. The part of the wall adjacent to the hymenium comprises 2-3 rows of hyaline, cylindric, 2-3 µm diam. cells, lined with a layer of hyaline, cylindric, periphysis-like cells, forming a layer up to 20 µm wide. The part of the wall which covers the hymenium before the ascomata open is 10-15 µm thick, made up of 2-3 rows of brown, thick-walled, angular cells. A darkened lower wall is lacking, the hyaline, hyphal tissue of the subhymenium resting directly on the partially broken down host tissue.

Paraphyses with anastomoses near the bases, 1-2 µm diam., with several short side branches near apex, forming a tangled epithecium, extending 20-30 µm beyond asci. Asci 100-120 x 11-15 µm, cylindric, rounded to subtruncate at apex, wall undifferentiated at apex, 8-spored, spores extending almost to base of ascus, ascus development sequential. Ascospores 20-26 x 5-8 µm, oblong-elliptic in face view, characteristically slightly curved in side view, 0-septate, hyaline, no gelatinous sheath.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: New Zealand: AUCKLAND, Waitakere Ranges, Piha Valley, on decort. wood, coll. P. R. Johnston (A78), 6 Jan 1982 (PDD 57912). Waitakere Ranges, Goldies Bush, on wood, coll. P. R. Johnston (A76), 22 Dec 1981. Sweden: UPPLAND, Uppsala, Praedilestolen, on wood, coll. P. R. Johnston, E. M. Gibellini, S. Ryman, 1 Oct 1986 (PDD 54824). USA: NEW YORK, Cary Arboretum Millbrook, on wood, coll. S. J. Hughes, 6 Sep 1975 (PDD 38919 ex DAOM 155370).
Probably cosmopolitan, within New Zealand known from Auckland.
fallen wood of numerous plant species.

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Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis (1982)
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis (1982)
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis (1982)
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis (1982)
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis (1982)
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis (1982)

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Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
New Zealand
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
New Zealand
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
New Zealand
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
New Zealand
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
New Zealand
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
United States

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11 June 2008
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