Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982

Propolomyces versicolor (Fr.) Dennis 1982
Ascomata in vertical section with a poorly developed upper wall. The part of the wall adjacent to the hymenium comprises 2-3 rows of hyaline, cylindric, 2-3 µm diam. cells, lined with a layer of hyaline, cylindric, periphysis-like cells, forming a layer up to 20 µm wide. The part of the wall which covers the hymenium before the ascomata open is 10-15 µm thick, made up of 2-3 rows of brown, thick-walled, angular cells. A darkened lower wall is lacking, the hyaline, hyphal tissue of the subhymenium resting directly on the partially broken down host tissue.
Paraphyses with anastomoses near the bases, 1-2 µm diam., with several short side branches near apex, forming a tangled epithecium, extending 20-30 µm beyond asci. Asci 100-120 x 11-15 µm, cylindric, rounded to subtruncate at apex, wall undifferentiated at apex, 8-spored, spores extending almost to base of ascus, ascus development sequential. Ascospores 20-26 x 5-8 µm, oblong-elliptic in face view, characteristically slightly curved in side view, 0-septate, hyaline, no gelatinous sheath.