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Poria papyracea Cooke 1886

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Poria papyracea Cooke, Grevillea 14 111 (1886)

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Poria papyracea Cooke 1886
Poria papyracea

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Poria papyracea Cooke 1886

CUNONIACEAE. Weinmannia racemosa: Auckland, Te Whaiti, 300 m. MONIMIACEAE. Hedycarya arborea: Auckland, Mt. Pirongia, 700 m (type collection of Poria pirongia). PIPERACEAE. Macropiper excelsum: Otago, Woodlaw State Forest, 300 m. UNKNOWN HOSTS. Victoria, Sherbrooke Forest, Dandenong Ranges; Tarra Valley; Park Lake, Emerald. Tasmania, no locality (herb. Cleland).
Hymenophore annual or biennial, adherent, ceraceous-coriaceous, effused forming linear areas 3-10 x 2-4 cm, 1-2 mm thick. Hymenial surface cream or pallid ochre, even or undulate if growing vertically when pores are inserted obliquely, creviced when dry; margin definite, thinning out, pallid cream or white, fibrillose, adherent. Pores sometimes in two layers, round, often oblique, 3-4 per mm, 200-250 µm diameter, to 0.8 mm deep; dissepiments even, 60-150 µm thick, tapering. Context cream, 200-400 µm thick, of intertwined hyphae embedding crystals; binding hyphae of the bovista type, 4-6 µm diameter, walls 1 µm thick, staining blue, aseptate, freely branched, tapering to apices; generative hyphae 2-3 µm diameter, walls 0.2 µm thick, not staining, septate, branched, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 25 µm deep, a loose palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia clavate, 12-17 x 5-10 µm, soon collapsing, bearing 2-4 spores; sterigmata arcuate, to 5 µm long. Paraphyses subclavate, or cylindrical, scanty, 8-14 x 5-7 µm. Spores oblong elliptical or obovate-elliptical, with obliquely rounded ends, 9-14 x 4.5-6.5 µm, abundant, walls finely echinulate, spines irregular, about 0.5 µm long, arranged in linear striae, hyaline, 0.25 µm thick.
DISTRIBUTION: North America, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand.
HABITAT: Bark of fallen branches and small stems, associated with a white rot.
Readily identified by the large elliptical spores with echinulations arranged in parallel longitudinal series, bovista-type binding hyphae which stain with aniline blue, clamp connections on the generative hyphae, and somewhat large basidia. The hymenophore is similar in appearance to that of Poria leucoplaca, from which the latter differs in the smooth walls of the spores. I am indebted to J. L. Lowe for authentic specimens of P. papyracea, which on comparison were found to be practically identical with P. pirongia, which becomes a synonym.
TYPE LOCALITY: "Carolina".

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Poria papyracea Cooke 1886
Poria papyracea Cooke (1886)
Poria papyracea Cooke 1886
Poria papyracea Cooke (1886)

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Poria papyracea Cooke 1886
Poria papyracea Cooke 1886
New Zealand
Poria papyracea Cooke 1886
New Zealand
Poria papyracea Cooke 1886
Poria papyracea Cooke 1886
United States

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1 January 2001
13 June 2019
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