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Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965

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Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965

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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965
NZ holotype
Poria nothofagi
Nothofagus cliffortioides: [New Zealand], Wellington, Waihohonu River, Mt. Tongariro, 1,200 m,, holotype PDD 5275

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Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965

FAGACEAE. Nothofagus cliffortioides: Wellington, Waihohonu River, Mt. Tongariro, 1,200 m, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 5275; Oturere River, Mt. Tongariro, 1,350 m; Pangarara River, Mt. Tongariro, 1,000 m; Kaimanawa Ranges, 950 m; Mangatorutoru Stream, Mt. Ruapehu, 1,200 m; Whakapapa, Mt. Ruapehu, 1,100 m; Silica Springs Track, Mt. Ruapehu, 1,100m. Otago, Lake Manapouri, 160m. Nothofagus menziesii: Hawke's Bay, Upper Homestead, Poronui, 700 m. Wellington, Mt. Hauhangatahi, 700 m. Otago, McLennan, Catlins.
Hymenophore annual, adherent, membranous, fragile, effused forming linear areas 5-11 x 1-4 cm, sometimes extending to 1 metre, 1-3 mm thick. Hymenial surface chalk white when fresh, drying cream or honey yellow, or in parts pallid ochre, even, often creviced deeply; margin adherent, thinning out, irregular, to 1 mm wide, finely fibrillose, cream. Pores not in strata, irregular, orbicular, oval, angular, elliptical or labyrinthiform when slightly irpiciform, 1-4 per mm, 0.2-1.5 mm diameter, to 1.5 mm deep, white or cream; dissepiments fragile, 150-500 µm thick, irregular, edges bearing free capitate paraphysate hyphae naked or encrusted with fine crystals. Context white or cream, 0.1-1 mm thick, of intertwined hyphae encrusted with fine crystals; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µm diameter, 0.25 µm thick, branched, septate, with abundant clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 20 µm deep, a dense palisade of basidia, paraphyses, and capitate paraphysate hyphae. Basidia subclavate, 12-14 x 3-4 µm, bearing 4 spores; sterigmata erect, to 6 µm long, commonly about 4 µm. Paraphyses subclavate, 8-12 x 3-3.5 µm. Paraphysate hyphae projecting to 20 µm, apices capitate, to 6 µm diameter, naked or bearing acecular crystals. Spores mostly cylindrical, some suballantoid, apiculate, 5-6.5 x 1.5-2 µm walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µm thick.
HABITAT: Bark and decorticated wood of standing dead saplings, fallen branches.and trunks, associated with a white rot.

Hymenophorum annuum, adnatum, membranaceum, fragile, effusum, interdum ad 1 m latum, 1-3 mm crassum. Hymenii superficies alba, siccitate cremea, saepe alte rimosa; margine adnato inaequali, ad 1 mm lato, subtiliter fibrilloso. Pori non in stratis, inaequales, orbiculares, ovati, angulares, 1-4 per mm, 0.2-1.5 mm diam., ad 1.5 mm alti, albi vel cremei, dissepimentis fragilibus, maequalibus ad 150-500 µm crassis. Contextus albus vel cremeus, 0.1-1 mm crassus, hypharum intertextarum crystallis tectis. Hyphae generatoriae 2.5-3 µm diam., 0.25 µm crassae, ramosae, septatae, nodulosae. Basidia subclavata, 12-14 x 3-4 µm, 4 sporas in sterigmatis erectis ad 6 µm longis gerentia. Sporae saepe cylindricales interdum suballantoides, apiculatae, 5-6.5 x 1.5-2 µm laeves, hyalinae.

Formerly described under the name of Poria favicans (Karst.) G. H. Cunn. (Cunningham 1947b, p. 10), the species has since been found to differ from this by its monomitic hyphal system, absence of encrusted metuloids, much larger pores and fragile cretaceous context. From related species of the section the plant differs in the capitate, often encrusted paraphysate hyphae, which resemble those of Poria versipora, and are abundant in the apices of dissepiments, cylindrical or irregularly suballantoid spores, often labyrinthiform pores, fragile hymenophore and restricted host range. When fresh plants are chalk white but when dry change to some shade of yellow or ochre.
TYPE: Nothofagus cliffortioides: Wellington, Waihohonu River, Mt. Tongariro, 1,200 m, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 5275

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Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965
Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. (1965)

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Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Hawkes Bay
Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Poria nothofagi G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand

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Nothofagus cliffortioides: [New Zealand], Wellington, Waihohonu River, Mt. Tongariro, 1,200 m,, holotype PDD 5275

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scientific name
17 April 1996
5 March 2019
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