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Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947

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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947
Poria curreyana

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Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947

CORYNOCARPACEAE. Corynocarpus laevigatus: Auckland, Purewa Bush, 25 m. ELAEOCARPACEAE. Elaeocarpus dentatus: Auckland, Waikaretu, 120 m. ESCALLONIACEAE. Carpodetus serratus: Auckland, Moumoukai Valley, Hunua Ranges, 250 m. LAURACEAE. Beilschmiedia tawa: Auckland, Ruatewhenua, Waitakere Ranges, 300 m; Mangatawhiri Stream, Hunua Ranges, 250 m; Moumoukai Valley, Hunua Ranges, 300 m; Whitianga Road, Coromandel-Peninsula, 220 m; Lake Rotoehu, 450 m; Earthquake Flat, Rotorua, 600 m. Wellington, Lake Papaitonga, 20 m. PROTEACEAE. Knightia excelsa: Auckland, Huia, 30 m. RUBIACEAE. Coprosma arborea: Auckland, Western Hills, Whangarei, 120 m.
Hymenophore annual, adherent, membranous, effused forming irregular areas 3-10 x 2-5 cm, 0.5-1 mm thick. Hymenial surface at first pallid green or dingy grey, blackening where bruised, finally becoming almost black, not creviced; margin tending to lift and curl inwards simulating rudimentary pilei, thinning out, 2-3 mm wide, fibrillose, dingy grey or some shade of greyish-brown. Pores not in strata, round or slightly irregular, 5-7 per mm (3-5 when young), 150-200 µm diameter, to 0.8 mm deep; dissepiments entire, 25-150 µm thick, slightly velutinate, coloured black by mucilage covering hyphal walls and filling interstices. Context 200-500 µm thick, of hyaline hyphae parallel in the base and dissepiments, sclerotioid between base and pores with bands of black mucilage lying between hyphae (occasionally absent), embedding abundant coarse crystals; generative hyphae 3-6 µm, diameter, walls 0.5-1 µm thick, a few tinted in the base, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 18 µm thick, a compact palisade of basidia, paraphyses, and paraphysate hyphae. Basidia clavate, 8-12 x 4-5 µm, bearing 4 spores; sterigmata arcuate, slender, to 6 µm long. Paraphyses subclavate, 6-10 x 4-4.5 µm. Paraphysate hyphae projecting, capitate, apices expanded to 5 µm, confined to upper parts of the dissepiments, abundant or scanty. Spores elliptical, ovate or pip-shaped, apiculate, 3.5-4 x 2-2.5 µm, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µm thick.
HABITAT: Bark or decorticated dead wood, associated with a white rot.
In microfeatures the species is close to Gloeoporus adustus, differing in the pallid irregular margin, larger pores, different colour, thin walls of generative hyphae and peculiar gelatinous, fuscous mucilage embedded among hyphae of the context and dissepiments. Furthermore, plants are completely resupinate, although margins may become inturned then simulating rudimentary pilei. The surface blackens readily where bruised, and in different collections may be pallid yellow, greenish-yellow, fuscous, or black, sometimes most colours appearing in one collection. The capitate paraphysate hyphae confined to the hymenial region, are also a feature. Only the type collection is in Kew herbarium, ex "Currey, New Zealand", labelled Polyporus curreianus Berk. On the sheet Bresadola referred the species to Polyporus dichrous.

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Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. (1947)
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. (1947)
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. (1947)

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Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947
New Zealand
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947
New Zealand
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947
New Zealand
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947
New Zealand
Poria curreyana sensu G. Cunn. 1947
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
3 May 2001
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