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Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963

Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid, Kew Bull. 16 443 (1963)
D.A. Reid
D.A. Reid
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963
NZ holotype
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] annotation on packet, DNA sample H2008/00789 - there is also a Garnica annotation slip, did he take the DNA?
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963
Sporophores 6-8 cm. high consisting of a main axis, which may fork near the apex, bearing a number of superimposed pilei in tiers. There may be up to eight or possibly more of these pilei which tend to decrease in size toward the top of the stipe. The pilei themselves appear to be pierced by the stem either centrally or excentrically. In the former instance the pilei may form flat spreading brackets causing the sporophore to resemble a cake-stand or they may grow upward and outward to form a series of funnel-shaped structures each with its narrow base fitting into the flaring mouth of the one below. When the pileus appears to be penetrated excentrically its free margin is often reduced to little more than a rather distinct rim on one side of the main axis. The sporophore then seems to consist of a series of somewhat swollen nodes each bearing a horizontal bracket, arranged one above the other on the same side of the stem. Pilei when fresh are very pale fawn, becoming buff in the herbarium. Hymenial surface shell-pink, changing to pinkish-brown in dried material. The hymenium is densely wrinkled or puckered over most of its surface but the wrinkles or folds are often branched and very irregular. Nevertheless there is a tendency for them to show a basically radial orientation. Stipe varying in colour from silky white to fawn. Hyphal structure as in the type variety, but the hyphae, which are up to 10 µ in diam., have more highly refractive and distinct walls. Basidia 23.4-28-6 x 3-4.5 µ, clavate, 4-spored. Spores: 3-3.5(-4) x 2-2.75(-3.2) µ, as in the type variety.
DISTRIBUTION: NEW ZEALAND: known only from the type locality.
var. nov. a typo colore tristi, et forma diversa differt.
This variety would seem to differ from var. pusio in its dull coloration and also in the manner in which the pilei are borne on the stem. However, it is as yet by no means certain that these two characters are strictly cor-related. The type gathering consists of about ten sporophores all of which conform to the above description, but it is nevertheless possible that they represent an extreme growth form of var. tristis. Some support for this view can be found from an examination of two additional New Zealand collections (Lake Rotoiti, 8 April 1949, A. Crawford 716; & Pinehaven, 24 June 1950, Tui McCutcheon 776) for these have the typical appearance of var. pusio. Furthermore Mrs. Cone [Miss G. Stevenson], who has collected for many years in New Zealand, is of the opinion that the fungus in that country is constantly of a pale fawn colour irrespective of growth form. However, since there are no field notes with the two collections referred to above I am inclined to regard them as belonging to the var. pusio, at least until further information is available as to the variability of the P. pusio complex in New Zealand.
TYPUS: New Zealand: Auckland, Silverdale, 4 Aug. 1955, F.W. Bartlett 1005.
Taxonomic concepts
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid (1963)
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid (1963)
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid (1963)
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid 1963
Podoserpula pusio var. tristis D.A. Reid (1963)
Global name resources
TYPUS: New Zealand : Auckland, Silverdale, 4 Aug. 1955, F. W. Bartlett 1005 Holotype K(M) 154545
scientific name
20 July 1998
3 March 2023