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Pluteus veronicae G. Stev. 1962

Pluteus veronicae G. Stev., Kew Bull. 16 69 (1962)
G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Pluteus veronicae G. Stev. 1962
NZ holotype
Pluteus veronicae
Pluteus veronicae G. Stev. 1962
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Other Stevenson collection in K, GS 1318, 1417, 1269
Pluteus veronicae G. Stev. 1962
Pileus 2-4 cm. diam., convex becoming plane, fawn to dark-brown, very moist to almost glutinous, sometimes convoluted at the centre at first, drying fibrillose; flesh bluish. Gills free, thin, crowded, pale-fawn at first, becoming brick-coloured. Stipe 2-4 cm. x 2-4 mm., bulbous at base, silky striate, bluish-fawn, flesh bluish. Spores 6-7 x 8-10um, print brick-coloured. Pleurocystidia of metuloid type 20-25 x 50-70um; hyphal endings of pileus with brown pigment, some ornamented.
on fallen rotting wood, Eves Valley, Nelson, 1. 1 .5. 1 957, Stevenson; Taita, Wellington, 18.3.1958, Stevenson; Catchpole, Wellington, 3.5.1958, Stevenson; Wellington, 25.8.1958, Veronica Fell.
Pileus 2-4 cm. diam., e convexo planus, hinnuleus vel obscure umbrinus, ex humido fere glutinosus, interdum centro primo convolutus, sicco fibril- losus; car0 subcyanea. Latnellae liberae, tenues, confertae, primo pallide hinnuleae dein testaceae. Stipes 2-4 cm. x 2-4 mm., basi bulbosus, cyaneo- hinnuleus, carne cyanea. Sporae 6-7 x 8-10um, ovoideae, in cumulo testaceae. Pleurocystidia metuloidiformia 20-25 x 50-70um; hyphae terminales epicutis pilei intus umbrinae, interdum tuberculis ornatae
Stevenson 1224
Taxonomic concepts
Pluteus veronicae G. Stev. 1962
Pluteus veronicae G. Stev.
Pluteus veronicae G. Stev. 1962
Pluteus veronicae G. Stev. (1962)
Global name resources
[New Zealand], Nelson, Eves Valley, on Nothofagus/podocarps, 11 May 1957, G. Stevenson1224, holotype K(M) 1441831
scientific name
1 January 2000
19 April 2012