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Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951

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Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
NZ holotype
Nectria westlandica
New Zealand, Westland, Waiho, November 1946.holotype PDD 5129

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Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951

Olearia avieenniaefolia Hook. f. Westland, Wailio, November 1946. Type collection.
Perithecia gregarious, globose 0-5-0-8min. dark red, brown, vinpiceous irregularly tuberculate.. ostiole papillate, perithecial wall 501, thick, pseudoparenchymatous but structure masked by thickened densely pigmented walls; tubercles hyaline, pseudoparenchymatous, cells thin walled and hyaline 10-12µm diameter. Asci elliptical 95-140 x 10-16µm 8 spored, spores biseriate or obliquely uniseriate, pseudo-paraphyses evanescent. Spores one-septate, elliptical or naviculate, sometimes falcate 30-42 x 9-121, smooth, hyaline.
New Zealand.
Olearia avieenniaefolia Hook. f.
Perithecia gregaria, globoso 0-5-0 -8 mru., brunueo-vinosa, inaequale tuberculata; ostiolo hapillato; pariete perithecii 50/-, crasso; pseudoparenchymato sed structura occulta parietibus cellulorum den¬satis et solide tinctis. Asci elliptici 95-140 x 10-1.6~t, evanescentes. Sporae uniseptatae, ellipticae vel naviculatae 30-42 x 9-12,., loves, hyalinae.
A species easily identified by its large elliptical spores and dense perithecial wall with small scale-like tubercles. When immature perithecia are smaller and scarlet.
LOCALITY: Westland, Waiho.

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Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
Nectria westlandica Dingley (1951)
Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
Nectria westlandica Dingley (1951)
Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
Nectria westlandica Dingley (1951)

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Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Nectria westlandica Dingley 1951
New Zealand

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New Zealand, Westland, Waiho, November 1946.holotype PDD 5129

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scientific name
14 July 2011
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