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Nectria tawa Dingley 1951

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Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
NZ holotype
Nectria tawa
Beilschmeidia tawa Benth. & Hook. [New Zealand, Auckland, Titirangi, May 1940, J.M.D., holotype PDD 7556, isotype DAOM 164642

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Nectria tawa Dingley 1951

Beilschmeidia tawa Bentb. & Hook. Auckland, Titirangi, May 1940, J.M.D. (type collection) ; Waitakere Ra., Rua-te-whenua, August 1949, J.M.D. Coprosma grandifolia Hook. f. Auckland, Bay of Islands, June 1948, J.ALD. Coprosma lucida Forst. Auckland, Waipoua, September 1949, J.M.D. Coprosma robusta Raoul. Auckland, Hunua Ra., October 1946; J.M.D. ; Waitakere Ra., Mountain Rd., Henderson, May 1948, J.M.D. Hoheria glabrata Sprag. and Summerh. Otago, Wilmott Pass, Manapouri, February 1948, J.M.D.; Ij. McKellar, February 1948, J.M.D. Olearia rani (A. Cunn.) Ckn. Auckland, Hunua Ra., Moumoukai Valley, October 1946, J.M.D. Phormium tenax Forst. Wellington, Kelburn, November 1945, G. H. Cunningham. Bhopalostglis sapida Wendl. & Drude. Auckland, Waitakere Ila., Waiatarua, November 1948, J.M.D. Scheflera digitata Forst. Auckland, Bay of Islands, Paihia, June 1948. J.M.D.; Puketi State Forest, June 1.948, J.M.D. Otago, Doubtful Sound, February 1948, J.M.D.
Perithecia scattered, globose or pyriform collapsing when dry 0 - 1-0 - 25mm. diameter, scarlet or blood coloured, scabrid, ostiole papillate surrounded by a flattened disc up to 10µt diameter; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous 30-40µt thick, outer cells thin walled, hyaline or lightly tinted, cuboid 15-201,, collapsed in dried specimens which give perithecia a wrinkled appearance, inner cells 4-51, diameter, pigmented and thickened. :1sci elliptical or clavate 30-60 x 5-10[c, 8 spored, obliquely uniseriate, sometimes biseriate at apex; pseudoparaphyses filamentous, forming network within perithecia. Spores uniseptate, fusiform or elliptical 7-5-10 x 2-5-4µm, verrucose hyaline.

New Zealand.

Perithecia libere sparsa, globosa vel pyriformia, 0 - 1-0 - 25mm. diam., sanguinea vel ferruginea, scabrida; ostiolo papillato; pariete perithecii 30-401, crasso; cellulis exterioribus parietibus tenuibus 15-20,u diam. ; cellulis interioribus parvis 4-51, diam., densatis. Asci clavati 30-60 x 5-101 µm, 8 sporis oblique uniseriatis, in apice biseri¬atis. Sporee uniseptatae, fusiformes vel ellipticae 7-5-10 x 2-5-41,, verrueosae, hyalinae.
Perithecia are small, bright red, similar in appearance to those of N. sanguinea but spores are smooth, fusiform or elliptical.
LOCALITY: Titirangi, Auckland.

Nectria tawa Dingley 1951

Dingley (1956) provided the first link between Nectria tawa and a cylindrocarpon-like asexual morph, which Booth (1966) later confirmed as Cylindrocarpon obtusisporum. Samuels & Brayford (1990), however, questioned this link and synonymised N.tawa along with N. coprosmae under N. radicicola var. coprosmae (now Ilyonectria coprosmae; Chaverri et al. 2011) even though they recognised morphological differences between these species. Although there are no DNA sequence data presently available to confirm the link between N. tawa and C. obtusisporum, we elect to provide a new combination for Dingley’s fungus in the genus Neonectria, pending recollection of fresh material from the type localities.

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Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
Nectria tawa Dingley (1951)
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
Nectria tawa Dingley (1951)
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
Nectria tawa Dingley (1951)
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
Nectria tawa Dingley (1951)
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
Nectria tawa Dingley (1951)
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
Nectria tawa Dingley
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
Nectria tawa Dingley (1951)

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Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
[Not available]
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria tawa Dingley 1951
New Zealand

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Beilschmeidia tawa Benth. & Hook. [New Zealand, Auckland, Titirangi, May 1940, J.M.D., holotype PDD 7556, isotype DAOM 164642

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scientific name
25 February 1993
11 February 2015
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