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Nectria illudens Berk. 1855

Nectria illudens Berk. 1855
NZ holotype
Nectria illudens
Nectria illudens Berk. 1855
Scattered, or slightly crowded, but not caespitose, globose, bright yellow-ochre, or cinnabar, rough with little warts, which are composed of large cells, dimpled at the apex. Sporidia elliptic, subcymbiform, 1/1162 of an inch long, 2/5 as much broad
sparsa, globosa, cellulis hic illic conglomeratis, rugosa, ochracea cinnabarinaqne, apice collapso umbilicata, sporis ellipticis uniseptatis amplis.
This has some resemblance to N. ochracea and cinnabiarina, if the two are really distinct, but may be known by the larger size, the more ample cells of which the warts are composed, and the far larger and broader Sporidia. In different specimens of N. cinnabarina, they vary from 1/1750 to 1/2000 of an inch long. I have an authentic specimen of Dr. Greville's N. ochracea, which is very different from that before us, but unfortunately the fructification is immature. The cells of the warts are, however, far smaller, and resemble those of N. cinnabarina. I have no specimen of Dr. Montague's plant from Chili; but were there so striking a difference in the size and form of the sporidia, he could not have failed to point it out. They resemble, indeed, those of N. discophora, as figured in the Flora Chilena.
On bark. Bay of Islands, J. D. H.
Nectria illudens Berk. 1855
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Several sheets in the type folder; not certain which specimen is the type. Photographed several.
Taxonomic concepts
Nectria illudens Berk. 1855
Nectria illudens Berk. 1855
Nectria illudens Berk. 1855
Nectria illudens Berk.
Global name resources
Identification keys
taxonomic status
Has anamorph taxon Fusarium illudens
New Zealand. HAB. On bark, Bay of Islands, D. H. [In Kew herbarium there are three collections of N. illudens"Colenso, 4649, ex Cooke 1885 " ; " Colenso, 5708, ex Berkeley Herb. 1879 "] syntypes K(M) 252861, K(M) 252863, K(M) 252862
scientific name
24 October 2018