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Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951

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Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951
NZ holotype
Nectria coprosmae
New Zealand, Auckland, Waitakare Ranges, Anawhata Rd., August 1947, J.M.D., holotype PDD 7472

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Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951

Auckland, Waitakere Ra., Huia, August 1947, J.M.D. ; Ana¬whata Rd., August 1947, J.M.D. (type collection) ; Septem¬ber 1947, J.M.D. ; Waitakere Ra., Rua-te-whenua August, 1949, J.M.D.
Perithecia scattered or caespitose, globose, occasionally pyriform 0-15-0-35mm., light red darkening to brown vinaceous when mature, scabrid, ostiole minute, papillate, perithecial wall pseudoharenchymatous 40 µm, thick, outer cells 10-20tt, lightly pigmented and thickened, sub-hymenial cells small 4-5 µm diameter, densely pigmented and thickened. Asci cylindrical or clavate 20-50 x 4-7 µm, ends truncate, 6-8 spored, biseriate,' occasionally obliquely uniseriate; pseudopara-physes filamentous forming a network within the perithecia. Spores elliptical, filiform, ends truncate 9-13 x 3-4 µm, smooth, hyaline.
New Zealand.
Coprosma grandifolia Hook. f.
Perithecia sparsa vel caespitosa, globosa 0 - 15-0 -3mm. pallide rubra vel brunneo-vinosa, scabrida, ostiolo papillato ; pariete perithecii pseudoparenchymato 401, crasso; cellulis exterioribus 10--201-t leviter densatis; cellulis iuterior.ibus parvis, 4-51, diam.; solide densatis et tinetis. Asci cylindrici vel clavati 20-50 x 4-7,u; terminis truneatis ; 6-8 sporis biseriatis ; pseudoparapbysibus filamentosis. Sporae uniseptatae, ellipticae vel filiformes; terminis truneatis 9-13 x 3-41,; leves hyalinae.
Perithecia were collected on bark damaged by insects. Spores are larger than those of X. tawa and the ends are truncated, pyriform and often irregularly divided by a septum.

LOCALITY: Auckland, Waitakere Ra., Anawhata Rd.

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Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951
Nectria coprosmae Dingley (1951)
Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951
Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951

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Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951
New Zealand
New Zealand
Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951
New Zealand
Nectria coprosmae Dingley 1951
New Zealand

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New Zealand, Auckland, Waitakare Ranges, Anawhata Rd., August 1947, J.M.D., holotype PDD 7472

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scientific name
25 February 1993
14 July 2011
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