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Nectria chaetopsinae Samuels 1985

Nectria chaetopsinae Samuels, Mycotaxon 22 18 (1985)
Nectria chaetopsinae Samuels 1985
NZ holotype
Nectria chaetopsinae
Nectria chaetopsinae Samuels 1985
ADDITIONAL SPECIMEN EXAMINED. NEW ZEALAND: Gisborne, Urewera National Park, Lake Waikaremoana, track to Lake Waikare-iti, on decaying leaf of Astelia sp., G J. Samuels (83-161), P.R. Johnston, T. Matsushima & A.Y. Rossman, 29 May 1983 (PDD 44236).
Conidiophores mononematous, scattered, setiform, erect, unbranched, red-brown, becoming yellow in 100% lactic acid, 200-230 µm long, tapering from 8-10 µm wide just above the swollen, 10-15µm wide base to 4-5µm wide at tip; wall ca. 2 µm wide at base, thinning to <0.5 µm wide at tip; apex sterile; bearing few short lateral branches at or below the middle; branches formed of many small, <5 µm wide, thin-walled, non-pigmented cells, each cell producing or more phialides; phialides densely clustered, subglobose to ampulliform, (10-) 15-20(-22) µm long x 2.5-3.0 µm wide at base, monoblastic, tip 0.5-1.0 µm wide, lacking obvious periclinal thickening, not flared. Conidia oblong, (5.0-) 5.6-7.2(-8.5) x1.0-1.3 (-1.7) µm, lacking an obvious basal abscission scar, unicellular, hyaline, held in colorless slime. Sterile setae abundant, similar to conidiophores but lacking phialides and conidia. Perithecia scattered, solitary, superficial, non-stromatic, mycelium not evident; pyriform, apex acute, not collapsing when dry, smooth, red; remaining red in 3% KOH, becoming yellow in 100% lactic acid, (128-)139-190(-205) µm high x (115-)122-180(-185) µm wide. Cells at surface of perithecial wall textura epidermoidea, walls unevenly thickened, adjacent cells connected by pores or very thin regions of the wall. Perithecial wall ca. 10 µm wide, formed of single region of intertwined hyphae; cells in section elliptical to fusiform, lumens 5-8 µm long x 1-2 µm wide; wall ca. 2 µm thick, pigmented; cells of inner ca. 5 µm elongated to fusiform, wall <0.5 µm thick, non-pigmented. Perithecial apex comprising + elliptical cells at the surface; cells within arranged in a palisade of hyphae with rounded, 1-2 µm wide tips; hyphal elements merging with periphyses within. Perithecia anchored to substrate by hyphae arising from surface of lower perithecial wall. Asci clavate, (35-)38-43(-45) x 4.5-6.0(-8.0) µm, apex with a ring; 8- spored, ascospores 2-seriate, entirely filling each ascus or up to 10 µm of ascal base empty. Ascospores elliptical, (7.0-)7.8-9.3(-10.0) x 1.9-2.7(-3.0) µm, equally 2-celled, not constricted at the septum, smooth, hyaline.
CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE. CMD, PDA; OA: 1 cm diam, flat, waxy, opaque, lacking aerial mycelium, Sienna (Rayner 8) in center, margin white (on PDA, entire colony white). Conidiophores forming profusely on all media, macronematous, mononematous, setose, unbranched, smooth; red-brown, becoming yellow in 100% lactic acid, (107-)125-165(-175) µm long x 10-12 µm wide at base x 4-5 µm wide at subacute tip, (1-)6-9-septate; wall ca. 3 µm wide at base x <0.5 µm wide at apex. Phialides arising in a compact cluster in the upper third of the conidiophore less frequently terminating the conidiophore. Phialides arising from short, thin-walled, non-pigmented lateral branches of the conidiophore, with an enlarged, ca. 3 µm wide, subglobose base and an abruptly narrowed, 1 µm wide neck, smooth, thin-walled, non-pigmented, tip lacking periclinal thickening or periclinal thickening barely visible, not flared. Phialides. also arising singly or in + verticillately branched whorls of 2-3 from hyphae on surface of agar, subglobose to ampulliform, (10-) 15-20(-22) µm long; tip 1 µm, wide, with periclinal thickening; base 1.5-2.0 µm wide, smooth or with yellow (in lactic acid) granular incrustations along the lower 2/3 of the phialide and subtending hypha. Conidia oblong to cylindrical, (6.5-)9.3-17.3(-22.0) x 2.0-2.5(-3.0) µm, lacking an obvious basal abscission scar, unicellular, hyaline.
CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE. CMD, PDA; OA: 1 cm diam, flat, waxy, opaque, lacking aerial mycelium, Sienna (Rayner 8) in center, margin white (on PDA, entire colony white). Conidiophores forming profusely on all media, macronematous, mononematous, setose, unbranched, smooth; red-brown, becoming yellow in 100% lactic acid, (107-)125-165(-175) µm long x 10-12 µm wide at base x 4-5 µm wide at subacute tip, (1-)6-9-septate; wall ca. 3 µm wide at base x <0.5 µm wide at apex. Phialides arising in a compact cluster in the upper third of the conidiophore less frequently terminating the conidiophore. Phialides arising from short, thin-walled, non-pigmented lateral branches of the conidiophore, with an enlarged, ca. 3 µm wide, subglobose base and an abruptly narrowed, 1 µm wide neck, smooth, thin-walled, non-pigmented, tip lacking periclinal thickening or periclinal thickening barely visible, not flared. Phialides. also arising singly or in + verticillately branched whorls of 2-3 from hyphae on surface of agar, subglobose to ampulliform, (10-) 15-20(-22) µm long; tip 1 µm, wide, with periclinal thickening; base 1.5-2.0 µm wide, smooth or with yellow (in lactic acid) granular incrustations along the lower 2/3 of the phialide and subtending hypha. Conidia oblong to cylindrical, (6.5-)9.3-17.3(-22.0) x 2.0-2.5(-3.0) µm, lacking an obvious basal abscission scar, unicellular, hyaline.
KNOWN DISTRIBUTION. Anamorph cosmopolitan, teleomorph known only from New Zealand.
HABITAT. Decaying leaves of Collospermum hastatum (Col.) Skottsb. and Astelia sp.
Perithecia solitaria, superficialia, pyriformia, (128-)139-190(-205) x (115-)122-180(-185) µm, sicca rubra; in aqua vel potassii hydroxidi solutione humectata rubra, in acidis lactico, lutescens; apice acuto. Asci clavati, (35-)38-43(-45) x 4.5-6.0(-8.0) µm, unitunicati, octospori, spice ab annulo, refractili cincto. Ascosporae biseriatae, ellipticae, (7 .0-)7.8-9.3 (-10.0) x 1.9-2.7(-3.0) µm, aequaliter bicellulares, leves, hyalinae. In folibus Collospermi hastati crescens. Holotypus: PDD 44237, Isotypus; NY.
Status anamorphosus: Chaetopsina cf. fulva Rambelli, Atti Accad. Sci. Bologna 15: 5.1956.
Status anamorphosus: Chaetopsina cf. fulva Rambelli, Atti Accad. Sci. Bologna 15: 5.1956.
NOTES. Conidiophores formed in culture paralleled those found nature except that in nature phialides were strictly terminal whereas culture they were either terminal or intercalary. Cultures were made from ascospores isolated from both of the collections cited above; unfortunately these cultures have been lost. Dried cultures are deposited with the specimens deposited in PDD.
HOLOTYPE. NEW ZEALAND: Gisborne, Urewera National Park, Lake Waikaremoana, vic. park headquarters, track to Lake Ruapani, on decaying leaf of Collospermum hastatum, G.J. Samuels (83-105); P.R. Johnston, T. Matsushima & A.Y. Rossman, 31 May 1983 (PDD 44237; ISOTYPE: NY).
Taxonomic concepts
Nectria chaetopsinae Samuels 1985
Nectria chaetopsinae Samuels 1985
Nectria chaetopsinae Samuels 1985
Nectria chaetopsinae Samuels 1985
Global name resources
NEW ZEALAND; Gisborne, Urewera National Park, Lake Waikaremoana, vie. park headquarters, track to LakeRuapani, on decaying leaf of Collospermum hastatum, G.J. Samuels (83-105), P.R. Johnston, T. Matsushima & A.Y. Rossman, 31 May 1983, holotype PDD 44237, ISOTYPE: NY).
scientific name
11 February 2015