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Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950

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Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950

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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
NZ holotype
Merulius nothofagi
[New Zealand] Otago, Routeburn Valley, 450 m, holotype PDD 6849, isotype BPI 257045

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Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950

Castanea vulgaris L. Auckland. Mt. Albert, December 1946, J.D.Atkinson. Hebe salicifolia (Forst.f.) Ckn. & Allan Westland. Douglas Rock, Copland Valley, 3,520 ft., February 1947, G.H.C. Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook.f.) oerst. Otago. Greenstone Valley, February 1948, Joan Dingley. Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. Otago. Routeburn Valley, February 1948, Joan Dingley, type collection. Pseudopanax crassifolium (Sol.) Koch Auckland. Off Anawhata Road, Waitakeres, June 1946, Joan Dingley. Unknown host Auckland. Waikaretu, 400 ft., June 1946, E.E.Chamberlain.
Hymenophore annual. resupinate, linear or irregularly orbicular when of several solitary or fused colonies 0.5-10 cm. long, 0.5-3 cm. broad, 0.4-1 mm. thick; hymenial surface cream to pallid ochre, poroid-reticulate, reticulations sometimes reduced to warts or blunt spines, usually 1-3 per mm., to 0.5 mm. deep; margin byssoid, slightly lifting, white or cream, crenate, sometimes translucent, with a sterile border 1-2 mm. wide. Context white, coriaceous, 200-400 µ thick, lowerr part of densely woven hyphae, intermediate layer lacunar beneath the hymenium enclosing numerous large crystals; generative hyphae to 8 µ diameter, wall 2 µ thick, branched, septate, contents staining, clamp connections abundant. Hymenial layer separable, 50-100 µ deep. Basidia long-clavate, 16-24 x 4-5 µ, persistent. Gloeocystidia to 50 x 8 µ when embedded in folds of the hymenium, 80-100 x 12-16 µ in the context, contents granular, hyaline or pallid yellow, sometimes crystal-coated apically. Spores elliptical, elliptic-obovate, or allantoid, 4-5 x 1.5-2 µ, smooth, hyaline.
HABITAT: Solitary or caespitose on bark of fallen branches.
Annuus, resupinatus, effusus, linearis, 0.5-10 cm. longus; superficies creamea vel pallide ochrea, poroido-reticulata, reticulis aliquando ad verrucas vel ad spinas hebetes redactis; margo byssoideus, leviter allevatus, albus vel cremeus. Contextus albus, 200-400 µ crassus, hyphis genitalibus ad 8 µ diam., pariete 2 µ crasso, colligationibus fibularum largis. Basidia longo-clavata, 16-24 x 4-5 µ, quattuor sporis. Gloeocystidia ad 50 x 8 µ in hymenio, 80-100 x 12-16 µ in contexto, hyalina vel pallide flavida, alliquando in apice crystallis crustata. Sporae ellipticae, elliptico-obovatae vel allantoideae, 4-5 x 1.5-2 µ, leves, hyalinae.
In general appearance this species resembles M. tremellosus but differs in heing resupinate, not gelatinous, and in certain micro-features. Specific features are the pallid colour of the hymenium, stout generative hyphae with abundant clamp connections, small spores and presence of gloeocystidia.
Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. Otago. Routeburn Valley, February 1948, Joan Dingley, type collection.

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Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. (1950)
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. (1950)
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. (1950)

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Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Hawkes Bay
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Otago Lakes
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand
Merulius nothofagi G. Cunn. 1950
New Zealand

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[New Zealand] Otago, Routeburn Valley, 450 m, holotype PDD 6849, isotype BPI 257045

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scientific name
29 April 1996
29 November 2024
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