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Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946

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Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
Laccaria tetraspora
Type USA

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Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946

Under (1) Leptospermum scoparium, Auckland: Epsom,, S. Davison; 7.vii.l967, S. Davison, PDD25963; Waitakere Ranges, Cascade Kauri Park, 9.vii.l967, A. Y. and R. J. McN., PDD25952; Nelson: Karamea, Oparara, 30.xii.l967, ll.i.l968, 6.i.l969, R. F. R, McN. (2) Nothofagus fusca and N. menziesii. Nelson: Maruia, 25.iv.l969, R. F. R. McN. (3) N. menziesii, Nelson: Lake Daniels track, 6.V.1968, 26.iv.l969, 16.V.1969, R. F. R. McN.
PILEUS: 0.5-2 cm diam., convex when young, plano-convex, applanate or centrally depressed at maturity, hygrophanous, non-viscid, faintly or conspicuously pellucid-striate when wet, striae extending to half distance between margin and centre of pileus, glabrous when wet, finely furfuraceous when dry, pallid reddish brown, sometimes tinted yellowish brown, drying buff. Cuticle composed of unspecialised, repent, parallel or slightly interwoven, thin-walled, clamped hyphae 6-12 µm diam. LAMELLAE: adnexed to adnate, distant, intermixed, thick, to 4 mm deep, pallid flesh pink, often with pallid yellowish tints, glaucous. STIPE: 1-2.5 cm long, ± equal, 1.5-4 µm diam., dry, hollow, subglabrous to finely and sparingly longitudinally fibrillose, often finely furfuraceous, concolorous with pileus or slightly darker; flesh concolorous; basal mycelium white. SPORES: spore print white when fresh; spores globose to subglobose, apiculate, hyaline, inamyloid, moderately echinulate, 9.5-13.5 µm diam. including spines, spines 1.2-2 µm long. HYMENIUM: basidia subclavate to clavate, 35-55 X 7-11.5 µm, 4-spored, sterigmata to 8 µm long; paraphyses sparse, simple, cylindrical to subclavate, occasionally irregular, to 4 µm diam. HYMENOPHORAL TRAMA: regular, composed of tinted, parallel, long-celled hyphae; clamp connections present. CONTEXT OF PILEUS: thin, concolorous with pileus. SMELL AND TASTE: not distinctive. CHEMICAL CHARACTERS: FeSO4 on pileus and context—rapidly dark grey; KOH and NH4OH on pileus and context— n.r.
Gregarious to caespitose under Leptospermum and Nothofagus.

New Zealand collections agree closely with the type description of Laccaria tetraspora, and with a later description of the species by Singer (1952). In a subsequent publication. Singer (1967) recognised seven varieties and two forms of L. tetraspora, based primarily on spore size, height of spore ornamentation, and size of fructifications. New Zealand specimens fit readily within Singer's concept of var. tetraspora f. tetraspora, a taxon also occurring in Nothofagus areas of South America.

Laccaria tetraspora has often been confused with L. laccata. In a discussion of the identity of L. laccata. Singer (1967) concluded that L. laccata var. laccata as interpreted by. Fries was a small, reddish brown species with a cap to 3 cm diam. and a stipe to 8 cm long. It possessed finely echinulate, subglobose to short-elliptical spores 8.5-9.5 X 6.7-8 µm, with spines rarely more than 1 µm long. Thus L. tetraspora differs from L. laccata in the larger, globose to subglobose spores with spines to 2 µm long.

L. tetraspora f. tetraspora is characterised by the small fructifications, subglabrous to inconspicuously longitudinally fibrillose stipe, and globose to subglobose, moderately echinulate spores. The species has not previously been recorded from New Zealand, and its presence in undisturbed Nothofagus forest suggests that it is an indigenous species.

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Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
Laccaria tetraspora Singer (1946)
Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
Laccaria tetraspora Singer (1946)
Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
Laccaria tetraspora Singer (1946)
Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
Laccaria tetraspora Singer (1946)
Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
Laccaria tetraspora Singer (1946)

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Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
New Zealand
Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
New Zealand
Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
New Zealand
Laccaria tetraspora Singer 1946
New Zealand
North Canterbury

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taxonomic status
material with indigenous hosts is not L. tetraspora ss [JAC]
Type USA

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scientific name
1 January 2000
10 September 2012
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